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Kamis, 13 April 2017

Coloring Agents Of A Medium Are Known As Pigments

Coloring Agents Of A Medium Are Known As Pigments

[opening music] oh my gosh, hi everybody, it's cinnamon cooney your art sherpa. welcome to the big art quest this is where we demystify the art store and make all those art materials fun and easy for just everybody to enjoy so we can all have access to them any time` we might possibly want to today's topic for the big art quest

is how to slow that drying time down, of your paint. for acrylic painting, right john? john: it is? cinamon: it is! john: i did not know that. cinnamon: that was my awkward intro to my co-captain john, who is the sherpa-tracker... he runs the cameras reads the comments, and keeps this live broadcast hopping hopefully, or going, because we have a stream

that we have to surf john: we're streamin' ... we're surfing cinnamon: yeah, my tape is definitely john: your mic's all droopy now cinnamon: my mic is so droopy... and sad that's okay we're gonna get it fixed. john: we got it. (laughter)

cinnamon: don't worry, it won't impact the broadcast so i'm gonna basically cover all the different ways, as artists we can slow the drying time down of acrylic paint and the types of products and options that are out there for you from completely free, to specialty products that do, or do not work. does that sound good?

john: that sounds wonderful. i think it's a question i get asked a lot, like, how can i slow the drying time of this paint? so the first myth that i want to completely dispel... is that we're all having the same experience with our paint. right? so we might all have golden paint, or we might all have dahler-rowney, or we might all have liquitex, or matisse, or...

ultrecht, or any of the brands that are around the world. but, we don't all have the same weather. and we don't all have the same humidity and we don't all have the same interior conditions. we as artists, are in unique circumstances in our studios. from studio to studio so, one of things that's incredibly troubling difficult for artists

is like a product will work really well for someone, but not, may not work as well for them and that's about their conditions. so one of the things i want you to think about is when you're getting advice from somebody about a product that would work really well ask yourself, "are their conditions similar to yours?" john: right. you wouldn't think it's that... i mean

i'm sure there's something... cars or i bet there's lots of things that are like this... baking is like this... all the bakers immediately got this idea. conditions impact results. so the first important tool in the artist's arsenal for slowing down the drying time of paint is water it's free, it comes out of your tap. if you have a professional paint, your paint can take up to a

30% mix of water john: really? cinnamon: yes now, recently this has become controversial even though acrylic paints were made to be thinned with water because, of course, as you thin the paint it alters the polymer composition of the paint and can change the chemical... reaction of the paint.

change the paint slightly. john: yeah and if you're a professional artist and you're painting for a museum, or you're painting to have your artwork be in the world after you, for a long time that's something you may want to consider. but if you have a budget and financial concerns

and you're not really concerned if the museum thinks you're the biggest genius in the world water may be your best choice. and, again, this stuff was made to work with water. your paint companies if you look them up online, will often tell you the exact amount of water that they have tested with their experts in their labs that this paint can handle

so you will hear terms like, "underbinding" or the paint breaking down but if you're following the instructions from the manufacturer probably not. john: probably not. i have... underbound one thing in my life, ever. and i'm a complete rebel. with what i do in my art.

just complete... aren't i? john: you are a complete rebel. my easel's all painted up, there's been things that have happened here that should not have happened. john: (laughs) not recommended by the manufacturer all the time. so, that's the first thing, is just a jar of water you can thin your paint with it, um

as you thin it, it impacts the body of the paint and it increases the flow and it comes from your tap, it's free. the next thing that you can do to slow down the drying time of your paint, is a micro-mister now this, is not the ideal mister this is just a thirty-nine cent mister from my, um local pharmacy store but you can get a microlized mister

that does the mist so fine, it leaves no water droplets on your pallette, and you can just spray, spray, spray, spray, spray, spray your pallette, as you need to, to slow the drying time down and that skinning... we all have the skinning? skinning you guys have had it? gross it's like the top of cream of wheat... and certain cereals... and gravy... and your paint

john: now, did you just, like, mix that into the paint when you did it? john: just, like, mix it in there so you can... be a little skin on the top of your paint, you just mix it into the paint? cinnamon: the skin? john: yeah. cinnamon: can you just mix the skin in? mjohn: yeah? john: like, ya know, when you get that little skin of paint, over the top and... i think there's actually this weird moment,

there's a window and it's short, when you can probably get the skin back in there and sort of disperse it... but what's happened is that paint has started to cure. john: so you've just got to scoop it off? cinnamon: you don't uncure acrylic paint. acrylic paint does not uncure you can remove it with acetone you can break it down with alcohol

but you cannot uncure it. john: so what do you do, if you're, if it starts to skin... and you've got a big... do you just... cinnamon: yeah, you've got to pull the skin off. it's just... you've lost that paint. cinnamon: that's my real recommendation you've lost that paint... don't try to reincorporate that you're gonna get chunky texture. unless, of course, your whole technique is using skins, and chunky texture...

and you know that's a different set of rules and don't be all commenting, because we know you're talking about something else! (both laughing) and acrylic paints, they come in different viscocities, right? some of them are heavy bodied and chunky those tend to dry a little faster and the fluids, the soft-bodies tend to dry a little slower

john: yeah cinnamon: so there's that, that can impact you you've got water, you've got that, you've got a stay-wet pallette in the i-card i have a video on how to make a stay-wet pallette, out of a cake plate john: a what? cinnamon: cake plate. john: oh yeah, that's right john: one of those little trapper, plastic things, yeah...

you can get them from kroeger or wherever cinnamon: yeah, you could go buy one around $40, $20, um i just haven't found one yet that i love, so i don't have one in the links and description below with more information i have a bunch of products in the links and description below but i do not have a cake, or stay-wet pallette because i just haven't found it yet

when i find it, i'll share it i just haven't found it yet i think most of the great products out there are generally handmade, hand done, diy jobs by artists. and so that's, ya know, you can do your own diy and everybody's got their own little formulation i don't like the wet paper towel thingy cinnamon: because i like to control... ...i do a lot of dry-brushing

john: that's true. cinnamon i'm not trying to be an oil artist, i'm an acrylic artist and that's a question to ask yourself if the paint drying is bothering you a great deal there's this fabulous product, it's oil and it doesn't. john: hmmm cinnamon: ya know what i mean? john: yeah. hadn't thought about that. cinnamon: and it's kinda okay.

john: it doesn't ever dry it doesn't ever dry but it does give you a lot of time and that comes to the next product... that can help us with the drying time of our paint say you're allergic to oils happens... some people are very intolerant to them... um, there's a whole bunch of products that are called "open" paints. john: oh yeah, those are pretty cool.

golden makes a product, i'll pull it out... i have one of their swaggy bags that you get um... if you go to any of the golden demos, they provide these around the country at art stores for free for you to go to if you go to them, and i highly recommend that you do you are generally given a little swaggy bag and sometimes a little project that goes with it.

i have... a lot of these (laughing) ...because i don't ever miss a free demo ...and in there in the wonderful swaggy bag, the things that they give you is an open paint john: there it is. this is a slow drying acrylic has a whole bunch of agents and products you can add to it

and you can slow, and slow, and slow it down john: crazy. there's also, interactive paints and there's a whole series of other paints that exist out there that are about the acrylic not drying quickly. but i don't really paint with those i just want you to know those are available to you, and those classes are out there generally, it will be like, somebody painting some really soft roses

if you see a person with a bunch of tutorials with a bunch of soft, kinda fluidy roses generally they're using a product with a slower drying time cinnamon: yeah, because if it looks like an oil, and it's not an oil it's a slow drying acrylic john: (laughing) john: well, while you're... what are you sippy-sippying there? okay. john: what have you got there?

so, the sherpa was at the zoo. john: the zoo? the zoo, with my daughter and my mom, for my youngest's birthday, recently. and we ended up having a really long walk it was longer than expected john: an epically long walk. it was an epically long walk, and i realized, i am not walking enough and making enough healthy life choices so this is kombucha

which is basically ... vinegar juice john: it's really good, i like it i like it...i... but, you know really know, it's a sour, sweet drink john: it's made by scoby it's made by scoby and it's supposed to help you i'm not doing this instead of walking i realize i also have to do the walking john: must walk too

i must walk too, and so now i'm getting in sherpa shape and i'm walking and i'm working on those things healthy life choices... oooo john: well, i'm gonna say, "hi" and i love you to all of our big, massive, awesome community who is out there with us we've got, like, over 160 people here and the number just keeps going up and up and up and up i love to see our questers

john: lots of questers here, we have all of our moderators here, and i wanted to say i love you, and thank you guys for all the kind words out there they were going on about how beautiful you look this morning cinnamon: i do? john: you do, all your sparkly, your sparkly hat cinnamon: i like my sparkly hat john: so... i feel good in my owl hat

john: lookin' good cinnamon: going retro, we're "retroing" it up john:we're gonna have to join mark and bonnie out in the camping world we'll glam it up cinnamon: we'll glam it up i'll glam it cinnamon: all right. john: all right, so back to what you were saying... about epically non-drying paint

cinnamon: epically non-drying paint, next product... john: oh, and wait...quick... big hugs to donny jen, who's under the weather, we're gonna send big love to her cinnamon: ohhh, yeah, feel better. feel better all right... pallette wetting spray. john: pallette wetting spray. all right. this is by liquitex, it's a pallette wetting spray um...golden makes a similar product that i can never seem to get because

it's so liked, by the plein air artists, that it's never in stock. i can get this one, i've used it... um...does it keep my paint from skinning? it does. doesn't impact the body of my paint um... definitely um you can use this... weird trick, you can do this... you can spray your canvas first and paint it onto the canvas

i'll actually demo that and it kinda, if you're plein air painting it primes the canvas it's kind of a crazy deal... definitely have to follow the instructions the negative to this awesome, awesome product is some of the caps clog. now i know it's not that all the caps clog because some of the people are, like,

"oh no, i've had one for years it doesn't clog." mine clogs all the time. yeah. the solution for that, is i keep a little jar of acetone or alcohol around and i just drop the cap in it for a minute and then it's unlcogged, so it's not a terminal problem john: and then she asks me to come over and pump it repeatedly until it works. it's not a terminal problem, it's just a problem in some of the... you know what i mean, i don't know what to tell you

liquitex professional pallette wetting spray and here, i'll show you what i mean... so i can...spray this ...say... oooof, well, now it's clogged again there it goes. oh, it's in such a bad mood this is the issue with this thing now, it's going, right... you can spray this first and then

well, you see my point. this is not a great testimonial to this john: it's a great product, in, not such a great delivery system. it's a great product in a challenging delivery system. liquitex, love you, but seriously... there's some more sciencing science this some more i don't know

and it's not all of them john: no and again, conditions... i live in houston houston gets hot, and it can be dry because the a/c in the houses we have all kinds of craziness going on my studio is under these whack job lights i'm using, i've got canvas boards out today to mess with, so... that's what i've got

cinnamon: oh, i have this stuff all over my tubes of paint it just went everywhere. john: it just did. cinnamon: it did, so not a great um testimonial to that product> i'm gonna go like this... and we're gonna pretend that didn't happen. all right... john: okay, so...we're back. cinnamon: we're back. so... and you guys have seen that and you've heard about that

the next product that you can use to improve your circumstances is flow-aid. john: flow aid cinnamon: flow aid. john: so is this different than blending medium? cinnamon: uh-huh. john: okay. and you're gonna get to that in a minute? cinnamon: i'm gonna get to that right now. john: oh, okay.

so your flow-aid improves, um... the way that your... paint flows off your brush some of you have really talked about it's like, it just not coming off the brush right. ya know? it just doesn't feel like it's going onto the canvas right it doesn't feel like it's going off the brush right

and then you've got to look at is the canvas a problem? right and so if you've fixed the canvas and you've gotten a decent gesso... the cheap gessso, those are a nightmare... but you've got a decent gesso and you've done everything else right... and you're using good paint... then it's probably that you have environmental circumstances which are impacting you.

i know it seems crazy...but it's a thing flow aid can help you you just add that into the water and this product, i do use... and this product, i do like. it goes in the water, again... manufacturers instructions um... uh...okay, so here's the deal with this... this is not a binder

so you cannot use it for an acrylic ground. john: okay cinnamon: okay it's a mistake that artists will sometimes make this is not an acrylic ground. john: gotcha you need to do an airbrush medium or something for that if you want a fluid acrylic ground or glazing medium, or any other product...

it does, however, when added to your water i don't know what it does to the environment um... it does help how the paint goes off the brush john: it flows? uh-huh. yeah, it does. john: i guess, and valerie says matisse has a flow aid as well yes, a lot of the companies do if they're a professional series acrylic company

you know... amsterdam, is gonna have it ultrecht's gonna have it... uh... winsor newton's gonna have it grumbacher... anyone who's got a serious acrylic line of paints is going to have slow drying agents and retarders and fluid mediums and... ya know, things to keep your pallette wet... they're gonna have these products they will change up the names because they all want to be individual.

john: yes that's awesome isn't it? john: have an angle on it how they do that? yeah, they gotta have an angle. they gotta have...they're like... this is our style it's our style... of stuff and then you're like... yeah... but i just want to know what it is from jar to jar so i can compare.

they don't really want you to compare ... is their deal. so then we're down to the slow dry and retarding blending mediums bunch of products out there i have looked at, personally, this group of products... i have looked at, on my mom's recommendation slow dry blending gel

oops, sorry john: it's "elude me day." right this little jar, uh, it's not crazy pricey it' to slow the drying down. these... most of them, as a group will claim to slow it down, um about 40% 30 to 40 %, you get 30-40% extra time

oh, and the reason they tell you that like, that in those estimates is because they also know environmental factors will impact how these products react and how your paint reacts, and what you're dealing with. if you're painting in alaska, in the dead of winter you're gonna be completely different results than, say... somebody, say, in the gaza strip in summer. john: right's not the same. for your paint john: yep. now, if someone has a question, about acrylic grounds... yeah, i have an answer john: should they go back and just look at the last art quest? well, we haven't done grounds. john: we haven't, oh, i thought we'd covered that no, the last art quest, if you'd like to know, there's a playlist up in the art quest, if you're new here and...

you're like i"d just like to know about mediums um...we talked about what they are... what's a medium and what's an additive. and what's in the mediums and what we're kinda looking at we started to understand the terminology i have broken this up into segments, because these products are that diverse, and that complicated. john: cool

so... next...we'll be doing acrylic grounds. we could do acrylic grounds next, we haven't decided. john: but soon, okay... so what is an acrylic ground? it's a surface prep. it's a preparation for your acrylic paint... it's like a gesso... is a ground, but then there's also grounds that you add that can give you effects. like there's grounds i use a ground, an absorbent ground

in my painting practice, that let's me do a watercolor effect... on canvas without the paint underbinding. john: now isn't that mercantil oxide? no, you're talking about micacious iron oxide? john: that stuff no, that's a medium... john: that's a medium. that's used as a paint.

john: i just wanted to make sure. i love me some micacious iron oxide john: ever since i've seen that, i thought it was the coolest stuff, so i'm like, when does the lava come back? the lava... oh, actually that's a ground too... john: oh really? lava? yeah you can get lava. actual lava. hey. who's calling you? somebody does not know we're live. john: they don't know

i turned them off. nobody knows what we do with our free time john: they think we make cat videos if they even understand we make youtube videos let me tell you what you don't want to take to dinner at a family meeting it's like..."whatcha doing with your life? we're making youtube videos. that is like more than religion, or politics... that just stops the room.

john: well see, they were warmed up for it, because i've spent the last 15 years of my life... making video games but it was like you could see the... disappointment about the video game job choice actually found a new level of disappointment like everybody was like... uh wow... like you found a new level of fail... they thought you had maxxed out the disappointment... but you hadn't. john: nope

nope john: and so christy was asking, "is this live?" yes, it's live john: this is live. allright, then we also have here this is an additive right? but it's really a medium, because an additive would be something crazy that you put in...

though actually golden says it's an additive ... just do whatever, golden says they've just researched it more than you they really have... or me... or anybody um...this is a retarder um...they called it golden is notoriously funny with their names and so... these are retarders. which just means, um

if it's open, if it says open, slow dry, or retarder... they all mean slowing the drying time down... of the paint okay then we have um... i have two sizes here, because i get a bunch of these slow dry blending mediums... and then, i also have... and i had bought this just because i needed to have a different brand

the grumbacher acrylic retarder for acrylic colors... i used this on the hummingbird the hummingbird can be used for your mini-quest because your mini-quest is going to be using some of the techniques we're talking about today um, they're gonna be using some of the techniques we're talking about (laughter)... he's got a call... john: what's that? we have a call. john, i'm trying to tell people to not call us.

anyways, use some of these techniques in your quest thumb me down... it's fine... just... whew... another thing we're gonna talk about... everybody keeps asking me about liquid white which was, um, a gesso preparation created by, um bob ross to do that and a lot of people have some homemade concoctions what i'm gonna suggest to you is something that you can do yourself, if you feel like you really need to have

some liquid white to me... the wonderful bit, or acrylic paint is that it dries but again, i understand... i have to use some of these products because my studio's hot in the summer... i'm stuck i'm stuck using some of these products because my studio is hot. so let's start with our first option...

we're just gonna mess around here. i'm gonna put out some ultramarine blue... like ya do... like ya do wow, i really need to put that in some... uh... my caps really need cleaning, i'll tell you that right now john: when the mom's call twice in a row, you have to answer. oh, lord. john: ya know. yeah

john: just making sure everyone's okay we're gonna start with water. john: what is that it's water john: just water... but you have, now is that water with blending there is flow aid in it yeah, so i guess it's more than just water. but it's, you's water and we're gonna brush this paint out on the surface

and you know, hey it does its thing here right? i'm gonna just paint sort of an abstracty background here now, if i wanted it to be a little darker, i might pull some paint here... and while these two are wet... ya know...i can blend, wet into wet here, right? that's all about having a light brush technique i'm using a filbert right now, number 10 with a stiff bristle, but you can see

we get a nice blend here... .i don't know if you can see with the stuff all around... see: nice little blend, but already... it's drying. which is, i think, where people get frustrated. john: now, this flow agent will, uh it doesn't slow the drying time down at all it just improves the flow of paint off the brush. john: will it help with underbinding, in that respect?

no, it has no impact on underbinding. none. has no binder in it. just a flow aid. and they really specifically tell you that, and you can go to both the golden, and liquitex website i really like the golden website, because they have the most extraordinary stuff (laughs) that they have sometimes it's fun to see what they've done with their free time.

um... things that they've figured out (laughing) but... john: okay, so an underbinding is when the paint releases from yeah. what happens, is you've broken the paint down, you've broken the binders of the paint down so that they can't function anymore... the acrylic polymers can't interlock and it flakes off the canvas, it might lift off the canvas and underbinding can be a function of cheap paint

bad manufacturer, but if you know you've got a good paint company then it's probably that you've over thinned the paint with water, or some agent. some additive sand... something that has interfered with the function of the paint. that's all it is. i'm sure there's more, actually talk to some of these experts, and they're like oh, no... but there's more levels...

and you're like, oh lord john: well, joanne says thank you, she really appreciated the explanation. oh i don't mind... i'll explain any of this, anytime you can ask me anytime... because here's the thing... it's not that it's complicated, it's that you don't know, what you don't know... like, you don't know about yeast until somebody explains to you about yeast and bread, right? it's not that the concept is complicated. and then, still then, it can be really hard to make bread, right? takes a little bit... it's not that we can't all learn bread baking

or that only some people can make bread, it's just ya know, there's that curve kinda the exact same thing. john: now, have you ever heard of using glycerin in water as a flow aid? uh-huh. yes, and there's some videos on it. john: there are, yeah? so, here's my deal, i'm not gonna say who it doesn't really matter, but i will see a post about somebody saying this paint did this or this paint foamed

or some thing i've never seen in decades of working with paint and in every case, it's that there's some home chemistry happening there and that's all it is. i don't get those experiences because i work with products that are designed to work with each other. i do no home experimentation because i don't like my paint to do crazy, unexpected things, like... foam right? never seen it decades of paintinng...

in all kinds of conditions so my thinking is, and the reason i don't necessarily do things like glycerin or make my own additives or any of that, is i want, personally, a very consistent experience with my paint and i get really, really... and john has seen this... upset, if my stuff doesn't work. but... but here's the deal...we're not all the same and you may be a maker... you may be a tinkerer

you may need to experiment with glycerin to see how it works for you you might need to make your own additives... and the information is out there... and you can do it sherpa doesn't do it... john: that should be your experimentation yeah... my thing is... is i'm working everyday i need the painting to have a resolution and i need to just know what it is and i work with

these products because i know for a fact... um, golden works with liquitex... they act like they don't but the fact is... all the pro companies, their products generally interact with each other pretty well. and they have pretty smart chemists and scientists that really understand what's happening and so they produce products that are very consistent. so, i'm not sitting in my studio going, "what's that?" unless i did it... sometimes i look at it and i'm like, what is that? and it was me... that's okay.

but i just don't want to have that crazy experience where i'm that frothing? i just can't even imagine what i'd think... i would run out of my studio, i'd be so scared. i would just be very concerned. next thing i'm gonna add... is some slow dry blending medium. im gonna do this over here all right?

and i'm going to take some of this, and i'm gonna mix it into the white, right, now the first thing that you might notice, is it's made our titanium white, a little more translucent... then it was before titanium white being a very opaque paint. okay, i'm gonna keep adding this out... this doesn't extend your paint this can save you some money on some of your more expensive paint

it's more expensive than the titanium white but you know, on your pricier paints, um, mediums and gels can be a way to save money okay, so i've got this here and then, i can be like, well let's do a little white, and a little blue and we'll see how the blend is here right? nice little blend going and we're just kinda seeing what kind of blend we're getting and we're going along and we have this medium

in there, and we'll see kind of how long it takes to dry we may not just sit here and watch it dry and look, you could put a hair dryer on it john: you could. yeah. hairdryers go on it this is not by the way, um a double-blind seriously scientific test okay, if you want that, if you need that if you're a professional and you want to

discuss chemistry... right... and the radical innovations in acrylic mediums, paints, pigments, blah, blah, blah please go to the golden or liquitex youtube channels and have a blast because they do... they provide you with scientific results right, that are done by trained professionals in controlled conditions my studio, your studio is not a controlled condition the temperature in here today will not be the temperature tomorrow

and i will get a different result every time i come in here not a controlled condition and nobody is claiming that it is... you don't need to write me three paragraphs about controlled conditions john: can you push your canvas up a little there? i can. well, it's caught on the , oh it's the wet pallette spray glued it down... (laughing) it glued everything down... it's also a really unexpectedly good glue

john: that's great so now what's happening here, that i don't always necessarily enjoy, is and it's not bad, this one is not too bad is i feel like sometimes there's a tacky phase but this is still blendable it's still working, because you can see me softening these edges, right? and getting more of that sort of effect you might possibly see with oil maybe, maybe

maybe maybe another thing that we could do is put this open paint here... again, this isn't scientific we're not working this scientifically now, according to golden, the open products can be used with their other acrylic products right, with varying results... there's a whole bunch of information that you would definitely need to read it and, again, my studio conditions being somewhat different than theirs... sometimes when i mix them together... i don't like the tactile experience of the mix

nothing more complicated than that john: so, there's a question here... and not all the time, just sometimes. i'm not sure what condition triggers it john: what is an acrylic binder? cinnamon: an acrylic binder is the polymer products that they use to keep the pigment suspended john: and is that something... cinnamon: i'm surprised i actually know how to answer the question like that john: now, is that something you can just buy in a little squeeze tube to add to your paint?

well, um, yeah, actually i think i have seen binders available... i think i've seen polymer mediums just straight, clear, that you could add to paint um, gels and mediums generally, sometimes all they are is just a polymer medium so those, that will be labeled, clearly on the jar john: interesting. could have it... but generally you're looking for results, so maybe you want a heavy body

or maybe you want to make your paint gloss, or maybe you want to do some other other thing... john: some other, other thing? yeah, some other, other, other thing now, i want to point out that some of this is already drying on my open paint conditions in my studio being what they are

is everything okay? i need a tissue so bad the cold's getting to me not that bad, don't worry, don't stress out, don't freak out just a little head cold nothing bad at all... it's all good... it's all good thank you...i'm gonna cover up my little thing here

and give my nose a blow... john: okay, now you can blow... i'm coming here... all right so i'm gonna rinse my brush out... and so, it's still a little wet ya know, and this is all, ya know it dried slower that's what i'll tell you

and lights, heat, humidity latitude... ooo that makes a pretty color... ultramarine blue and this alizarin crimson that they gave me make a really pretty color john: i can't see where you're mixing... oh, no... in my water jar john: oh that pretty purple just weird things that you notice in the studio

so now, we have, the biz... the golden additive for increasing the working time of acrylic paints even how they word it, is like, now it's probably gonna have something sealed... huuuu, yeah...but i have a beautiful new bottle for you guys to see how sweet am i? john: that's very good... cinnamon: yeah john: and i want to say "hi" and "i love you" to all the cool people in the room, we have over 200 people here all hangin' out so please, please, like, comment, subscribe, and share

cinnamon: yes john: i don't uh, i keep getting reminded by my moderators, how i don't ask that enough... cinnamon: yeah, and we've got to do that, actually, and you know, they're right because you know what... they do it so great, our mods and our community does it so amazing your guys call to action the incusion of people to come paint with us is amazing, we forget that on the replay

there's no one to read the text... john: yeah, there's nobody out there, and there's no one saying, "like, comment, and subscribe" and so, every once in a while i, ya know, i come out here and i almost feel bad saying it, because it, ya know, the moderators do such a great job out there live... but that's all it is is that there is no one to say it once the broadcast has been re- put up so thank you guys for being patient about the fact that these have to go unlisted for a little while after the live

and then they'll be uploaded. while it processes through youtube which is kinda like a crazy thing when you think about it, that all the live videos go to youtube and get processed, and re john: it's crazy all right, so now i'm gonna do the retarder here's the thing... now golden's little thing on the back is like... and they really mean this...

because it's all, like, in caps and stuff because golden will totally tell you john: they do they yell at you in text i'll tell you right there. john: so, what does it say? it says, do not use as medium, then in caps it says, for thicker applications do not add more than one eighth retarder to paint for thinner applications do not add more than one to one

retarder/paint so what they're saying, is... if you are doing an impasto painting if you're doing a painting with real thick gesturely brushstrokes why are you even putting a retarder in there in the first place? what...if you were it needs to be small, small amount because what will happen is, this will mess with your paint but if you're, say, painting a portrait or a waterscape, or something where a sky... where blending is

integral to what you're doing... you can do one to one ... that means you can have one part paint uh huh... look at the blend here... to one part ... um ... medium and then their like, listen, this is all again, they're telling you this is not a binder and the reason they're telling you this isn't a binder if this was a binder, you can just add copious amounts because the binder itself, the polymer itself

will hold up john: it will keep binding yeah, it will hold up but at some point this isn't gonna hold up. so, what i'll say here, and immediately what i'm gonna tell you is this, and i've had this experience before, has beautiful flow john: and what is that? cinnamon: that is the lovely way that the paint exits my brush and applies itself to the canvas.

john: and which cinnamon: this is the golden artist color retarder i got four fluid ounces here it says it in 3 languages there is a link to the product in the description you don't have to get it from there, that's definitely an affiliate link for us but that way, you can even just check it out yeah so, you can see where the red paint is still not dry,

and is blending into our space here, see that? cinnamon: so that is the open paint, and you might be, like if you're a portrait painter, you might be like, wow... that would be helpful to what i'm doing this however, would be a nightmare if you were trying to drybrush just not fun at all not fun at all so we have this here and we're kinda seeing this blend, and i'm really enjoying this...

look, i'm just blending, blending, blending and it's not a problem you can see where it's kinda dry because it's not lifting and blending, and you can see where it's still very wet and it's blending and that's the purpose of these products right... and i'm using this board surface, this is a really good way to have economy in your painting these canvas boards, because they can be like as little as a dollar a piece but you know, they're not a high quality product's a good place to test things too... i'm gonna put out some slow dry blending gel blending gel and normally i'd use a pallette knife, but i'm gonna be real lazy and use this brush, to put it out um, i never like dispensing from tubs, it's never been my favorite but, ya know sometimes you have to so i've used this before... my momma loves it i am i haven't had... now again, different studio, different conditions i've painted with it and had some gumming

but, i have these crazy conditions in my studio john: ian asked, "what would happen if you add glue?"... you would have glue in your paint. cinnamon: you would have glue in your paint, you would change the chemical composition of your paint now, this, uh slows drying time, and thickens colors, improves blending, and adds transparency large quantitees may temporarily lighten color until dry dries clear and glossy and it tells you about it, so what is this different than the other things, well already, you saw the other things

you saw the first things, they were all, kinda mushy weren't they? like, it self-leveled. this has body, which means if i'm painting with more painterly techniques, but i need to blend, and that does happen...on occasion guess which product i have to use? john: that and here's the deal... it's probably why my mom likes it because she does very thick paintings and notice also, it didn't have any uh mixture ratios

john: i see it's just saying it's gonna slow it down this much and we can go and you know put it out like this and probably a lot of that brush stroke will stay john: huh. so jane was saying in some mixed-media applications, she mixes pda with paint john: pda glue i'm assuming cinnamon: uh, ya know i'm sure in miixed-media you can look, there's a lot of stuff you can do ... don't let ... don't be limited like, jane's, she's like rockin' it, she's like, i can pda

glue into my paint you can do that that's a thing right? it's not this thing... john: no, no... exactly cinnamon: but it's a thing john: and there's lots of different ways you can apply your stuff cinnamon: yeah... we're just talking about ya know... a consistent predictive result with no surprises

that's what we're discussing and see this is still not dry... and i'm still working this and i'm still working this and i'm still working this... and...this has still got some blend here... if i needed it. look at that ... but there isn't any more through here... dry...

still a little wet so the open is still a little wet this, from earlier, is totally dry and this space is wet we have learned something, i don't know what it is but we learned something and the last and really, what i loved and i used this the other day is the grumbacher acrylic retarder , comes out like this weird i like to call it tadpole slime like straight tadpoles

um, it and this one says, "mix retarder directly into artist acrylic colors and or painting mediums. may be safely used in ratios up to 30% by volume." so what this is telling you, is that this, like water... has a point where it will break down your paint however, you know you've got this product, if you need body because you're not stressed... you just need to know what is for what, that's all that's happening here you just got to ask yourself sometimes, what is for what and we're gonna get into this, i really like... this one was my favorite of um...

the products... john: so, now, it's important to read the labels, because cinnamon: yeah! john: because different manufacturers have different tolerances cinnamon: they do and different products have different tolerances john: now, what about mixing these together? like, can you mix... can you use what you just put out with some of the other stuff you previously put out? cinnamon: well, we're doing that john: oh, wow

right? because it's in here, and that's what i'm saying this isn't scientific, this is what probably actually happens in your studio but, because i'm ... the chances of me having a really unexpected reaction as long as i'm reading the instructions as long as i'm , ya know, playing along i just mixed these two... not having some crazy reaction... right? the chances of me having something really unexpected happen on a canvas i was counting on... is slim. that's the point

ya know, yeah... you can make stuff up and you can experiment and you should right there you go, still in there , oh i love this stuff, just working it just love it, love it, love it ,love it, love it this one is, okay... so this is so here's my deal you can see the thing we painted, you can see how it's drying oh... the one thing i was gonna show you john: what were you gonna show us... what are you doing ... where are you going? you're just off the screen i'm sorry, i added gesso to my pallette, now i'm gonna drop my one i was painting down

and i'm gonna show you something all right, gesso off my pallette... and i can do this with either the retarder, the acrylic retarder or the slow dry blending medium what can i mix, up to 30% into gesso... i'm putting some of that on my pallette i don't know... i need a different brush...come here brush, come here... come here, come here, come here, come here all right, i'll take you (laughing) i can't get to the other one

so what have i got here? john: i don't know, it's off the screen... cinnamon: oh, this is off the screen? okay, darn it, sorry... is it on the screen now? john: there, now i can see it cinnamon: okay, so what i have here is gesso and retarder john: gesso and retarder, okay and i'm mixing these together

what does that give me? john: ahhhh, slow drying gesso? cinnamon: yeah, or what is fancy language for , and often called... liquid white john: oh! liquid white. neat for the purposes of painting wet into wet john: oh, i see cinnamon: right? so if i were sitting there, and i were supposed to do that and i was supposed to do one of these little, "oh, i've got a big brush and i'm ... painting along and ... look i just have a little bit of atmosphere and a little bit of clouds and ..." seem familiar?

john: oh yeah mixes right in there and gives you all the weird cloudy effects john: so that's how you do that cinnamon: that's how you do that. i don't know if anyone's excited about that, but john: yeah... i'm watching you... and watching chat so i'm actually kinda enamored by what you're doing there... cinnamon: (laughs) and it does, it won't feel like regular gesso john: interesting cinnamon: it won't feel like regular gesso, and you won't have any problems with the biding

and the surface prep of this if you follow all the manufacturers instructions so if i were, say, trying to paint along with somebody who was doing a wet in wet oil... this would be something i could do as an acrylic artist to have a similar experience without changing mediums john: gotcha. so if you were doing that if you wanted to have that bob, wet on wet, in fact you could cinnamon: yes, and there's a myriad of artists on youtube here teaching wet into wet oils, aren't there? right? and you might be, like, i really like that painting... i want that effect, but i don't have those products.

john: so, if you don't want to switch over, you just cinnamon: yeah, and the first block to most acrylic artists is that wet gesso john: interesting. that's really cool. cinnamon: right? by the way, this ... again, as long as you're following recommended instructions... you're not gonna have a problem you can also do the slow dry blending gel if you don't want to even have that risk. john: that is so cool. i'm pretty impressed. i had no idea. uh-huh... yeah... and it goes deeper than this, this is the turtles all the way down...

i have seen artists prep a canvas with different resistant retarders before they started painting outside in plein air. cinnamon: uh-huh, painting right into it now that's got to be a product you know isn't gonna break down your paint right? or you have to get very familiar with what those tolerances are, and stay within them... and i bet that's like what jane's doing when she's mixing glue... she's learned her tolerances and she stays within them john: probably... yeah cinnamon: and that's what you're always doing as an artist, you're figuring out

your boundaries, your figuring out where can i break these boundaries right? where can i... where can i you know, misbehave a little john: that takes a lot of experimentation and it's experimentation and you should experiment you should absolutely experiment... let me grab some of this right here and the white, the gesso is still blending. now we know regular gesso would not still be blending

just so you all know... but it is... and i can get a very soft blended... effect if i needed to into my gesso if i needed that for what i was doing john: wow, that's pretty cool cinnamon: and gesso could not dry faster so... because it's chalk

there you go john: wow, that's pretty cool... there ya go it's not that, it's just... you just ... you're just literally asking yourself john: wow, this lesson went by really fast today cinnamon: it did, but you know what? we're gonna be seeing you guys saturday to paint a really fabulous mountain landscape with wild flowers

we will be posting it up later today, so you can see it... i think it's gonna, if you've been painting those little silohuette pine trees with me going, what are we doing all the time... you're gonna suddenly go here's the payoff for that skill john: yeah, now i wanted to... before we go, to give big hugs to ya know, flame gremlin... and mona, and alan, and jane/ethyl... and all of our moderators who have been out here today, i know that i think i saw bonnie in here earlier i saw all mark may have been here

earlier and karen and michelle and joy and all of the people who come and hang out with us and everybody on the replay when you guys come in on the replay because i know you guys have jobs we love and appreciate it, and the fact that you always take that time to comment and tell us that you did come, that you did watch

and you're enjoying what's happening john: yeah and there's so many of you guys that are out here with me chatting and i read your comments as we go, it means so much to me there's like over 200 people joining us today so thank you guys love you guys so much good questing and remember the hummingbird counts as your quest and we're gonna have more videos and stuff

wet pallettes in the i-card, playlist for the big art quest is in the i-card this will go unlisted for a little while and then it will be back up but for you guys that have it in the cache and you're watching it, know it will finish it out for you as long as you don't click it away but i mean if you do, it will be back in a little bit. ..and i want to see you guys... um saturday i want to see everybody saturday for what is going to be, i know this is and, okay john, i have to tell you something... i know, i'm working on this painting, and i've told john, this is the painting they've been wanting this is the painting everybody's been wanting in acrylic because this is

this is a painting you normally only see with oil artists because it's got craggity mountains, it's got fluffy pine trees, it's got the kind of valley swoop, it's got wildflowers it's got's got grasses it is that rocky mountain unbelievable scene that you guys, that like everybody in acrylic art wants to do if you survived the waterfall um, it actually in some ways i think it will be easier than the waterfall because there are so many diverse colors

right, and get my hat on so serious this is the painting you've been waiting for this is the painting you've been looking forward to this is the one that acrylic has been looking forward to and i'd like to drop that it's not the last one we're gonna be, we're gonna be in those happy trees and mountains for a little bit, and show those oil guys acrylic is pretty awesome too. so, like, comment, subscribe, make sure you guys know you're here, share with your friends, let youtube know your loving it, that you're here we love you

we'll see you guys at the easel really soon we love you...bye bye

Coloring Agents Of A Medium Are Known As Pigments