[opening music] [hello my friends, the time of day is here] [when everybody paints and forget their fear] [show you where your art is, you know it's it where your heart is] cinnamon: hey everybody. it's cinnamon cooney. i'm your art sherpa, and today on the big art quest! officially number nine cause i was sick on week nine. officially quest number nine is the color wheel. which is actually pretty exciting. and i imagine for new artists it might seem like, why do i gotta know the color wheel? we're gonna answer those questions. how it helps you, why it's easy, and why it's good to know about it. on the mic today is my husband john. john: hello!
cinnamon: he is the sherpa tracker. so he's gonna follow me around on the cameras. he's gonna read your questions. he's basically kind of like, you guys in the room, is a way to talk to me, so he's really awesome, so definitely, you know type in capitals! yell at him a whole bunch! [both laugh] cause he's got about a million buttons to push. right. john: only three that matter. cinnamon: but only three that matter. this is a live class. everybody that came on the live, i'm so excited to see you. if you're here on the replay, i really appreciate you taking the time to learn about this cause it will just make art easier and more fun for you. so why not know about it?
it's really the whole reason why you want to know the color wheel. color wheel's an interesting animal, i think, because it is both logical, and whimsical. john: hmm. cinnamon: right? john: yeah. cinnamon: it allows for both personality types to get something out of it. i love anything in art that allows everybody to find something in it in there that's juicy for them.john: yeah.
cinnamon: uh, but before i go in i have something i really have to say to my questers.john: oh yeah? cinnamon: remember. this is a quest, not a class. you can't get behind. you can't do it wrong. [chuckles] and this is about what you need right now. that's why we have it set up this way. that's why we don't just drill down on a topic. which? which thing? i don't know who's doing- john was doing sign language at me but i don't know what he was saying. john: tilt your mic up. cinnamon: it's just probably better you say tilt my mic up. [john chuckles]
it's just not tilting. you might have to come stunt hand it.john: i'm gonna come stunt hand it. cinnamon: it's just not behaving today. i don't know if we bent it or did som- i probably broke it. this is not a show on how to take care of tech. and everybody sees john. finally. [both laugh] stunt hands is now stunt hands, head and hat. the hat that will never go away. anyways, um... john: let's see if that works.
cinnamon: hopefully that helps. hopefully that will help us then. definitely always let us know about the sound. john: yep. cinnamon: um. yeah. i like that the color wheel's for everybody. i'm gonna start out. this is a color wheel when we're talking about a color wheel. [cinnamon laughs] john: that's a good color wheel. cinnamon: i like this color wheel. if you have kids in your life, this is a great color wheel to get, cause it's a wonderful entry. they've got this gorgeous graphic. can you guys see that on the back? with the little dino's? just to make it seem fun.
um. the color wheel company, which is right here, they're pretty much the color wheel company. like, their name pretty much describes it. i mean there's some other places that do artist resources but the one you're most likely to find is from them, and um, most art stores will have it and i did find them in hobby lobby. today the color wheel we're gonna be working from is the creative color wheel.
john: the professional. cinnamon: the professional. you're gonna be making one for your book. john: i like this one better. cinnamon: you like this one?john: no, the one over there. cinnamon: the dino?john: the dino one. cinnamon: the dino. this one? john: dino. cinnamon: but not this one?john: not that one. cinnamon: but this one.john: that one.
cinnamon: this one?john: that one. cinnamon: but this one?john: not that one. cinnamon: i can't get him today. john: you couldn't get it this way too.[cinnamon laughs] cinnamon: help! [both laugh] so i'm gonna open this up. um, so this was- i actually did the whole thing so you kinda knew what you were looking at if you wanted to invest in one. this was eleven ninety nine at the hobby lobby. and so if you had your fifty percent off coupon that they do. wouldn't be too bad. and i think you can get them on amazon for a deal.
john's gonna open this up for me. we're gonna start doing, um, links for you guys. affiliate links, so it's easier to do this. i think is what we were talking about. we're trying to make this more convenient. if you need the convenience. now, one thing i'll say that i like these color wheels, and i may move this down to here. right?john: yep.cinnamon: where we can see it. um, is that they tell you a lot of stuff that you need to know as an artist, and they make it easy. and i think anything that makes it easy is worth your time. you know, we've talked about hue, tint, tone and shade.john: yeah. cinnamon: this actually has a little cheat guide here.
john: ahh...cinnamon: just in case you were like, what was that again? if you had your color wheel in your art box and you were, say, at a class, or a retreat, or a workshop, and somebody was saying something, you could check that. it has it labeled split complementary, complementary, triad. so if you were having trouble understanding it, this visually makes it simple. it tells you some color theory. right? it gives you some ideas that they have about color theory. and i'm always gonna say ideas
and not rules, right. cause there's really- there's no gospel in art. that's like it's nature. that's why it's art. it's constantly evolving. it's constantly creative so you want to just kind of get a sense of what's working for the majority of people. and then you mind find that it doesn't work for you, and you do slightly different things, and that's ok. but- so, that's why i like color theory, cause it always has theory in the thing. you know, so they're talking about- they go, there are only two ways to use color in any design, contrast and harmony. well, no, that's not really true, but- [laughs] but mostly it is, so, and it's always fun to see the artists that break those rules. that those are very good guidelines, right?john: mm-hmm.
cinnamon: you know. and see this. complimentary colors such as red and green have nothing in common. they are direct opposites on the wheel and produce lively, attention getting contrast. so that's basically- i like that as an example and the reason i'm sharing that with you here is that's christmas. right. red and green is christmas?john: yep. yeah. cinnamon: we all know it. it pops. it just- you see the red and green, you know where you are.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: it's a very powerful color combo. i tend to like to do purple and yellow. i have paintings that are in the purples and yellows. i like to work in contrast. i'm sort of known for it as an artist.
they play a lot in my paintings. and i certainly am a fan of it, but you know what, a high hat harmony is amazing too. and when i say high hat harmony i would be referring to, the shades of paint, right. like how dark or gray they are. john: mm-hhm cinnamon: are the brighter shades, like the one to fives, so they'd be a very bright pastel piece. and a harmony would mean that these are colors that would live next to each other on the color wheel. i like to hear the song in my head, that i'm not gonna sing right now. john: oh yeah?
cinnamon: yeah. do you remember the song from the 80's about living in harmony? john: oh. i do.cinnamon: yeah. john: i do.cinnamon: i can't sing it though. john: that's ok.cinnamon: even though i sing it badly, content id is so good, it will catch me. john: thank you, content id. cinnamon: so, in color, in the color wheel, what are we talking about? we have primaries. primaries are colors that you don't mix to get, right. so that's the red, that's the blue, and that's the yellow. and when we grow up, in school we learn that there are three primaries.
john: yes.cinnamon: right. and that's kind of s- sort of true. [chuckles] that' sort of mostly true.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: works well enough to explain the beginning. color theory is one of those things that gets really complicated, but only as complicated as you decide to let it get. john: and really only when you get to the ends of the rainbow. cinnamon: when you get to the ends of the rainbow. that's right. cinnamon: so, you know, what i would say is, know that dipping your toe in the water's beneficial to you.
you can take it as deep as you enjoy it and whenever you feel like putting on the brakes put on the brakes. don't let somebody railroad you on your artistic journey into feeling like you have to understand something you're not comfortable with. that's a thing that happens in art a lot and it's a thing i would love to have you guys kind of shield yourselves for. like, i'm gonna take it this far and this is good for me, and if you're like, i really don't want to get into this this deep, it's ok to pump the brakes. john: don't make me get all magenta up in here.
[cinnamon sighs, john laughs] cinnamon: so john is referring to an experience we had that was a little bit like that. so what happens with the color wheel- the color wheel company, i can't tell you what it is, i can't tell you anything they're doing, but they're working on a new wheel. cinnamon: that's gonna blow all the other wheels kind of out of the water and i can't say what it is but there's exciting stuff happening in color wheels. pay attention in your local art store and you might see some new wheels, and now at least you'll know they're new. you won't be going by going, is that different? i don't know. you'll be like, i know it's different. john: but, you know, even if you're dealing with computers or dealing anything like that has to deal with color theory
it starts getting crazy, fast.cinnamon: it does. it starts- when you deal with actual light, it gets crazy fast. you can really get some advanced color classes we're not gonna do that today.john: printing is a big tough one too. cinnamon: so, primary.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: red cinnamon: yellow and blue. ok, and thenjohn: white and black. cinnamon: no.
john: no? cinnamon: no, those are off the color wheel. white and black are the tints and shades. john: ohhh.....cinnamon: right. we did that in the gray scale. so, white and black are not on our color wheel. right. that's how we tint or shade our paint. john: i see. ok. cinnamon: right. by adding white or black. that's how we make it darker or lighter. we do it some other way, too, but that's the direct way. the other thing we like to talk about is secondary colors.
john: ah.cinnamon: i like to do a little dance. secondary colors! so, anytime you mix primaries together, with each other, you get a secondary color. so, if you mix yellow and red you get orange. if you mix blue and red, you get purple. if you mix yellow and blue, you get green. those are the secondary colors. but you might've remembered when we did our color mixing guide, that you might do two red and one yellow.
john: yeah.cinnamon: right. so that would be like saying i had orange and i mixed a little more red into it. that's a tertiary color. john: oh. right. that makes sense. yeah.cinnamon: right. that's all they're saying. if you're in a class and they say secondary they mean you mixed some primaries. they say tertiary you mixed a primary into your secondary color. or you could mix two secondary colors. what they're saying is you have mixed another bit further.john: you're three deep in the color wheel. cinnamon: you're three deep in the color wheel. and this just goes infinite. this
is turtles all the way down, folks. it really goes deep. right. so you can absolutely be up here on the surface going primary, secondary, tertiary. got it. wheel. this- this little thing can be your little life raft. john: mm-hmm.cinnamon: in the world of color. it really does- you don't really need to go beyond this. in your art. and if you have one of these with you. right.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: again it's got the- let me see if i can see it on here. it's got the cheat, so it goes-
it tells you what a complimentary is. explains a split complementary. it explains a triad contrast. a monochromatic. an analogous. an analogous complimentary. these are complicated art ideas and they've made it simple here. and we're gonna cover those but right now i'm just introducing the color wheel to you guys, ok. we're not gonna go turtles all the way down. because i like to take things- when we get into those deeper color concepts, i want to break those in to another day. so we can digest today
simply, and just make our wheel. and then we'll get into those other terms. and so even if you don't have a wheel, we're gonna get into those other terms and you'll have it on your book and you'll have an understanding. but today we're just covering what is the wheel how we make our wheel as painters right, and how it applies to us. the other thing that i want to tell you that's kinda- this is a little bit where i'm gonna sherpa sideways on ya. you ready to go sideways with me?
is everybody ready for a sherpa sideways? john: we're ready.cinnamon: in painting, i don't like to have three primary colors. i like to have six. john: what?!cinnamon: yeah. john: ok. so, i actually don't e- how- i guess- is that? cinnamon: how do you have six?john: how do you have six? cinnamon: because have you noticed in painting if you were to, say, have ultramarine blue and cad yellow, you don't get the green you expect?
john: well, is that cause those are shades of primaries? no. that's not what it is. it's about where they're placed on the color wheel. where they are. if they're warm or cool. so, i like to have a warm primary and a cool primary because that helps me know what colors are not gonna be friends. and what colors are. you saw little bits of that in our color chart. john: uh-huh.cinnamon: right. so example wise i would say i have cad yellow medium. and cad yellow light. right.john: uh-huh.
cinnamon: that would actually be here for me on the color wheel because cad yellow medium tends to be warmer than cad yellow light. in other words, there's a slight green. anytime a yellow has a slight green to it it's gonna be towards the cool side. anytime it has a slight red to it, it's going to be towards the red side. if you want it to be completely neutral, you could do, like, medium azo, but we don't have that in our palette. john: so why don't you use a true medium? like a true medium yellow?a true medium red,and a true medium blue?
cinnamon: i like cad.john: oh. cinnamon: the thing is, as painters we like the colors we like, and just understanding how they fit in our primary helps us. that's why i'm saying, like, the color wheel is our friend, but then we have our palette of colors, right. john: yeah. that makes sense. yeah. cinnamon: so we just have to know where they are and if we think of it like that. so we don't just have phthalo blue. we have ultramarine blue and phthalo blue. we know phthalo blue makes a pretty darn nice
um, green, right?john: yep. cinnamon: but this blue has a lot more violet to it, doesn't it? cinnamon: so it's a little more to this red side, isn't it. john: well, i guess this kinda make sense because when they were digging up yellow oxide out of the ground, they weren't like, this is going to be medium yellow. [both laugh]cinnamon: right. no. so i got my cad red medium and we know that cad red medium and cad- this makes a nice orange.
but these two aren't gonna make anything nice, right? but if we get over into the crimsons, or into, say, the, um... quinacridone magentas, we're gonna get beautiful purples, even with the ultramarine. cause the quinacridone magenta, which i left over there. of course i did. john: yep.cinnamon: right. the quinacridone magenta is more towards the purple. see. it's just we're looking to see where's this living on our color wheel. the color wheel of our lives.john: mm-hmm.
cinnamon: just like people don't come in one cookie cutter, easy to understand and deal with pattern. right. we come in shades, and values, and hues, and we live in different places on our color wheel. and we have different- i mean, it's exactly like that. like a lot of times i'll be like, people are like the color wheel. john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: right. and if you get two contrasting colors [chuckles] some stuff happens. it can be good stuff. it can be bad stuff. there's no good or bad color. it's just knowing where it lives on the wheel.
and how it relates to the other colors that's important for you. john: hmm.cinnamon: right? john: right.cinnamon: right. so, like, if i'm trying to use just red, yellow and blue, i'd have to almost make sure that all of my my red- my primaries, they were all cool or they were all warm. john: mmm. yep. right. yup. cinnamon: or they wouldn't play well together. john: so, you managed to make that really rainbowy painting you did behind you with just your your palette.cinnamon: yeah.
john: so you did all of the big reds and then cinnamon: yeah, but then i had, you know, i had a little thing happening over here and then i- when we go into this, the color list- this is for saturdays class. john: oh yeah?cinnamon: yeah.john: that looks fun. cinnamon: it's gonna be fun.john: that's gonna be a in american sign language. cinnamon: american sign language. yes.john: that's great. john: that's gonna be really great.cinnamon: so, in our little quest thing we're supposed to be making a wheel. another tool in your thing to understand color, besides this wheel,
which if you can't, again this is art supplies. so, respect- -why is this doing this today? you've gotta get the art supplies that you can get in the budget that you have. so nothing we're doing here is like. this is what i used to not love about art classes, is if you didn't have this crazy overpriced tool, you couldn't move forward in the class.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: we're not gonna do that, cause this is quest.[both laugh] and quest allows for the fact that people have lives and budgets. just, but you know what, half priced book store.
you never know when you're going to run into these in garage sales. a lot of times people think they might want one and then they're never explained what the heck this is. and [child in background] cinnamon: [chuckles] luna bella. and they're never explained what this is, and they're never actually valuable to them. and we're gonna come back to this a couple of times during our quest.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: but again, you can build it in your book. you could do this with crayons.john: yeah.
cinnamon: this is just for you to get to be thinking about these things. because if you're thinking about these things, you won't find yourself in that circumstance where you're painting you go to mix something and you expect green, and you get olive. right. you're like, i'm mixing army colors here, what's going on? now you'll be like, oh, i know what's happened. john: well, you know, there's quick google search and there's a bunch of colors that's out there, too. cinnamon: there's- yeah, printable color wheels. free printable color wheels. every- i think the color wheel company has some. john: yeah
cinnamon: yeah. another neat thing that i like is the pocket guide to color mixing. i got this here so you could see what it was. it was four fifty two at the hobby lobby. again, you could use your coupon. john: mm-hmm.cinnamon: and sometimes they just put all this stuff on sale. and this nice little dude is a fabulous cheat sheet john: woah! that's like!cinnamon: and it has a little work area for you. it's a fun little thing, and you can put it in an art box if you've gotta go somewhere.
so it's just- it's like my color books that i recommended. it's not a must have, it's just if you can it's a lovely have. some things are a lovely have some things are a mmm have.john: hmm. cinnamon: this is a lovely have. super super lovely. so, when i'm doing a color wheel- i'm gonna do this in my.... i've got paint everywhere. this is gonna be interesting.john: you have to pull your mic up a bit. cinnamon: it's just doing this, john. we've gotta look at it. i think i broke it.
john: you know. no, you didn't break it.cinnamon: i think i brokeded it. john: i think i have to get a boom mic, is what i have to do. cinnamon: is that what it is?john: i have to put a mic above your head. cinnamon: ehh.. so i'm gonna do this here. john: what are you doing? cinnamon: i'm gonna make myself like a kind of like a goofy little wheel for a second. john: ok. well, look up at the camera. see where we're at. cinnamon: ok.john: it's nice to see you but will you adjust your? [chuckles] there we go. cinnamon: i just didn't know what you meant. alright. hopefully we can kind of see what i'm doing here.
i know normally on these quests i just have you guys do them at home, but i just wanted to give you kind of a starting point. so, i want you to look at your at your colors in your box. everybody's got a little box of paint.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: i'm using this. you could just trace- uh. i just did that wrong, didn't i? john: no. you're doing fine. cinnamon: coordination is not my friend. john: i'm gonna say we have a really full house. we have over two hundred people out here,
i just saw mark was here. i saw kimsim, and mona, and cinnamon: excellent! john: and all of our friends are out here today. and i just wanted to say thanks for everyone for showing up and hanging out, so. it's always nice to have a full room of people to chat with. and that's partially why i've been a little bit distracted. [chuckles] so... cinnamon: so i've got those two there, and you can kind of even- i can even see by eye, right. there's a really cool way to see if a paint is cool
or dark, and... i mean cool or warm.john: mm-hmm.cinnamon: right. and i'm- we're gonna show that trick at another time, but there is something. john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: right. and then i've got the cadmium yellow light. i'm just using some colors that we have used in previous classes. so that we are, um, at least using what might be in our box. if you have two reds. let's say you just have cad yellow medium and cad redjohn: mm-hmm. cinnamon: then you're gonna build your wheel from what you have. this is your wheel.
this isn't- you know, this is the wheel for your reference. john: yeah. cinnamon: and it's just going to tell you what is going on in your world. so, if you only had the phthalo blue and you didn't have the ultramarine blue, guess what. you're doing, for your wheel, three color primary. and that's ok, but those are your three. i don't want you to go out and buy stuff that you don't have. now, if you're going out for the first time, and you are buying your first color of paints, there was a series of questions here. what would you suggest if, uh, do you have a brand or an area- they were asking what paint do you want to suggest for people to start with?
cinnamon: ok. so this is always back down to your budget, and like everything else in art, it's not a yes or no answer. and we should do a paint buying guide again, i think. i think i have in the i-card there's a quiz, what you want to do next. cinnamon: so, gels or paint.john: mm-hmm. is up there. um.... cause we might cover that. why is this paint expensive? why is this paint inexpensive? when is it ok to do inexpensive? when do i have to do expensive? those kinds of questions, generally here's what it is. so, the better your paint, the less grief it will give you. right. because how they're gonna save money, in the manufacturing of paint is the pigments. and the binders and polymers. manufacture the-
the quality of the manufacture. and unlike many things in life, in paint, it does matter. john: and the support you get after a purchase. cinnamon: well, but- yeah. and the support you get after a purchase. but here's the deal. like, um, some good companies have a student grade paint and so you're gonna get good support. cause they're a company, like liquitex,john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: has liquitex basics, but they also have liquitex heavy body and fine materials. right. cinnamon: so you don't get the performance in the liquitex basics that you get in liquitex heavy body,
by any means, ot the color, and there's challenges. cinnamon: but you do get a national company with a help line of people who care about your product experience, so you're not gonna get anything so crazy that you can't handle it. right.john: yep. cinnamon: so, the rule is, figure out what your budget is. if a sale won't bring the great quality paint. like i love golden, i love liquitex, i like matisse. um, those- i-
i'm actually learning right now about daler and rowney system 3, so there's paints i'm coming to but right now, that's what i'm painting. if the coupon won't get you there, then you've got to look at the mid-grade and student grade paints. cinnamon: so right now here's my feeling on nid-grade, student grade paints. liquitex basics. ok, cause there's a company behind it, um, that answers. daler and rowney, ok, cause there's a company behind it that answers. windsor and newton.
ok, cause there's a company behind it that answers. uh, deco and, uh, plaid. all have help desks. there's a big brand i left out. john: yup. cinnamon: right, so don't- there's a big brand i left out, because here's the deal. right. you need to have a website with support. all of those have great support websites. you need to have a lot of supplemental reference material. all those have that.
you need to- it's great if there's a youtube channel. all the ones that i listed, in the student and mid-grade, they have all of this. oh! um.... i think soho. john: mm-hmm.cinnamon: maybe it's lukas. i've gotta look into those. so it's really just about what i know is gonna support you.john: yeah. cinnamon: so whether you're doing eighty three cents for a a bottle of paint, right.john: yup. cinnamon: or whether you've got, you know, like a couple bucks in, you know, i think daler and rowney's,
i don't remember what it's set price is, but it's system 3,john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: but there's a lot that they give you. they've got facebook. they've got instagram. they've got twitter. they've got youtube. john: and you've used utrecht paint before, too, haven't you? cinnamon: utrecht, yes.john: utrecht.cinnamon: yes. john: yeah, i always mispronounce that. cinnamon: utrecht. so utrecht is a high quality paint. my issue with utrecht is sometimes it's- they're not commonly carried in a store. cinnamon: it can be hard to get where i'm at. may not be hard to get where you are at.
john: especially if you're next to one of their stores. cinnamon: yeah, if you're next to one of their stores, oh my gosh. [john chuckles] cinnamon: you've got the support you need, and they have an online resource. cinnamon: there was an utrecht store here. i did probably one of the largest projects in my life with that paint. i, um, had no problems with the paint at all. and it was a massive project. if i was gonna have a problem, i would've had a problem. but the store closed.john: yeah. cinnamon: so, it was not as functional for me. amsterdam paints. got super excited about them in art materials. they have crazy stuff. go check it out.
the paint world's big. find a company that's been in business that cares about you. john: yeah. and it won't take you long to do a little bit of research to find that out, i mean. cinnamon: yeah. john: quick google search. phone call.cinnamon: yeah. john: you'll know.cinnamon: yeah. you'll know. you'll know. like if you like a paint and you like the rice point, you know, then make sure that
you know, there's a website. there's a support. you can always do test questions. that's what i do. i pretend to be somebody else and i ask these questions. i have gotten answers back that i really like from all the companies i mentioned. cinnamon: right. who's the number one fastest answer? golden. [john laughs]cinnamon: boy it's like the speed of light. their answers. there's like somebody on the computer desk going "who's gotta question?!
about paint?! i'm gonna answer all the answers!"john: that's all they do, though. they are all cinnamon: that's all they do. john: they are the paint research people. cinnamon: dude! this is just- it's like it's just- i don't know, it's a cartoon experience. you know like in, uhh, transylvania? the movie? the cartoon?john: yep. cinnamon: with the puppies?john: yep.
cinnamon: the werewolf puppies?[john chuckles] cinnamon: like they're all on you?[both laugh] cinnamon: it's like that quick! it's really an experience. alright. let's wet our brushes. and we're going to make our color wheel. so, off the color wheel, right, so the color wheel's high point is always the yellow. and as you move up the color wheel, it's warmer. and as you move down the color wheel, it's cooler. right, and i'm gonna sit there and say i feel that my cad yellow medium, here. i'm gonna put it- maybe i wanna do something kinda funny. i'm gonna be kind of funny, john.
john: ok.cinnamon: i'm gonna be kind of funny. i'm gonna be cheeky. because i'm an artist and i can, and this is a really funny thing to do. so, i'm gonna come here and i'm gonna make a little heart. cause i don't have to make little squares. i can make this any way i want to. john: mm-hmm.cinnamon: this is my wheel. you could make little fish.
also the fun thing is you can divide a heart in half with micro shades. [both chuckle] right, so i've got that there. there's my, there's that. and next to it, its heart friend john: oh, where'd she go?cinnamon: i'm sorry. [both laugh]john: i can't track those who are off the camera. cinnamon: can not track those who are off the camera! can not track- i feel like this has a slight green tint to it, and you know, when i check it
with these colors, yeah, it does. so, if i mix it with the phthalo, i get a really green green. cinnamon: so i'm gonna say this is here. and sometimes you'll be wrong. don't be afraid of being wrong. i've been doing this for decades. i know a lot about it. john: and you get it wrong all the time. cinnamon: yeah.[john laughs] cinnamon: here's the thing. i know these artists because they want to label themselves as masters and experts,
yeah, they do. there's a whole group of artists, they want to call themselves masters or experts. really only a handful of people on the planet are masters or experts. it's like, i think we can count them and they write articles and actually, they're pretty chill. for some reason, the more you know, the chiller you get. um, but then there's people that do, and they're just afraid of being wrong and then they've gotta prove other people wrong and they're kinda confrontational, and you just kind of avoid them where you can. because all that happens if you're slightly wrong is that you make adjustments and fix it in your private little book, and then it's right.
you don't need to be all that worried. now i- there's a little bit of yellow. thank you for the swedish fish. there's a little bit of yellow in my cad red, so i'm gonna come over here at this point, and i'm gonna make a nice little-john: you're a little off there. there you go. cinnamon: and this is probably a little [?]. and i'm just doing hearts. you could do fishes. you could do leaves. i've seen some beautiful, beautiful versions of this done, y they way. i have seen some heirloom
gorgeous pieces done. hopefully we're liking the new website. the art sherpa dot com.john: i hope so.cinnamon: and the quest is functionally there, so we're gonna start adding to it, making it go. everyone's gotta teach me how to use my own site. [both chuckle] john: we're gonna do a video on that here pretty quick, though. cinnamon: are we?john: yeah, i was just saying earlier in the chat, all the sherpettes and breakfast club were here, so, we need to do a channel ad and how to use the website video.
cinnamon: in my experience crimson will tend to be to the, um, cool. john: yeah?cinnamon: yep. just my opinion. probably will prove to be true. just a lot of experience there. but you can see them when they're next to each other. you can see how this one's slightly warmer and this one's slightly cooler.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: you can see how this one's slightly warmer and that one's slightly cooler. it's a cool thing. now, what's your standard palette?
the sherpa standard? what do you generally like? cinnamon: i need to do a video on that, and that's quite a discussion john: hmm.cinnamon: so, um.... john: we'll put a pin in it. cinnamon: yeah. i think that that's a- we gotta put that up as a future quest. john: literally you're gonna put a pin in it, so later on-cinnamon: [chuckles] later we're gonna put a pin in it. john: you'll be able to link right back here to this point, right now, and they'll be a little section that says, go here and you can talk about sherpa's palette. cinnamon: i'm going to check my feelings on ultramarine,
right here.john: ok. let's see. cinnamon: ok, yeah, i'm correct. see how i'm getting an actual purple here? with this crimson, i get actual purple. cinnamon: but... john: do it wrong!cinnamon: but.... here. if i go here and here. no. john: it's gray.
cinnamon: yeah. so i feel like well, whatever, it's gonna be this.john: what's on the palette right now? sorry. cinnamon: oh. ok. so i've got cad yellow medium, cad light. john: ok. cinnamon: i've got napthol crimson.john: uh-huh. cinnamon: i've got cad red medium. i've got phthalo blue, and i've got ultramarine blue.john: ok. gotcha. cinnamon: so i'm gonna do some little hearts here.
and i feel like phthalo is- well, actually dude! there's a cheat on phthalo, cause all the fine art bottles say green shade, red shade. john: oh, that's true.cinnamon: it tells you you could actually, if you wanted to have a warm blue and cool blue, [laughs] john: you just go both of them.cinnamon: you just go, green shade, that's warm. red shade, that's cool.john: yeah. cinnamon: and ultramarine and red shade are close, and that's the cheat for that. i used to do that in my. i was like, what's my math cheats?[john laughs]
cinnamon: what are they man? i don't want to have to figure this out, i just want to do my math cheats. and so, that is how they do. that is how they do. i'm doing little hearts. you could do leaves. you could do happy little fish. you could do beautiful little flowers. personal color wheel may be what you would like it to be. john: it could be a wheel of fish.cinnamon: yes. it could be a wheel of fish. so, yeah.
john: yeah.cinnamon: yeah. there we go, there we go, there we go, there we go. john: yay!cinnamon: yay! we've got those there. and so what would happen john: is that you have six hearts on your page? cinnamon: i have six hearts on my page.john; yay! cinnamon: so if i have ultramarine and crimson i can mix them together in a one to one ratio.
john: now, generally speaking, things that shift to the red are warm? cinnamon: things that shift to red or yellow are warmer. john: and things that go to blue or green are... cinnamon: that go- ok, so what it is, the bottom of the wheel which is your violets, these range of colors here, that's your cooler colors. as you move closer to yellow, those are warmer. john: oh, the yellow, reds.cinnamon: top of the wheel.
john: gotcha. interesting. cinnamon: i've got that down there. and then i could, um... move towards my blue. see, i'm just making this little wheel. this is my personal little wheel. it's just letting me know where stuff is. and i'm mixing my cools john: yeah.cinnamon: together down here.
you could do micro shades. you could half shades on your hearts. you could just have a whole blast. this is just an exercise to help your brain and your eyes actually develop an understanding of what it's looking at. john: gotcha. i think i was just stunt handsing when lindsay came in. cinnamon: hi lindsay! so i'm gonna add a little red over here. so this one's gonna be a little more to the red heading up this way. as we're coming back up the wheel, it's getting warmer, right?john: yeah. cinnamon: now, if you were painting on our palette, we have dioxazine purple, we would just put that down here, and use that to mix our wheel. and we're gonna
keep drilling down on this. this is our first conversation, because color can get a little crazy.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: it can get a little complicated, and if you just take it in little microbits. you know what i did? i so dyslexically flipped my hearts. thank goodness this is a personal, in my private book moment. john: they don't all have to be going the same direction. cinnamon: they don't all have to be going the same direction. john: it's about the color, not the... cinnamon: it's about just processing what you're looking at, and you're going, "oh, this is what's happening."
john: mm-hmm.cinnamon: right. this is what's going on. john: now, if you didn't have naphthol crimson, what is there...? cinnamon: so if you didn't have naphthol crimson and you had been painting with me, i want you to use your purple down here. cinnamon: yeah. because you know what you're never gonna get? purple. because these bothjohn: yeah. cinnamon: are a little, these are both warm. you'd have to have a cerulean blue these aren't- these are not trues.
john: oh, that's true. that's what we were talking about earlier.cinnamon: you're gonna always get that brick color. it's always gonna be a problem for you.john: mmm. cinnamon: but that's why it's always a problem for you. john: you have to slide your color wheel over to your right. just a little bit. there you go. cinnamon: the reason a color mix will ever be hard for you, if you're mixing a prime instead of primaries and you're expecting to get purple, and you're getting brick, or gray john: cause they got the different cinnamon: yeah. things are moving warmer on the color wheel, and that's what's happening.
if they were all cooler on the color wheel, right.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: like with our, um, if you have the quinacridone magenta you're hooked up. you can make a whole bunch of purples down here. john: now see, what's- see i know, what's sad here is now i know exactly what's going on, but i couldn't explain it to anybody else. [john laughs] cinnamon: again it's just a journey. well, that's why i like that little wheel. i've got my two warm. i've got my red,
my warm red, and my warm yellow.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: right. so i'm gonna make a little warm red heart right here in the middle. just happily in the middle. they're happy being there. flipping it around again. now i'm gonna add just a little more of the red to it. for that middle range right here.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: so what do we have? we have tertiaries, don't we?
there's what i've done. i've made tertiaries. when i make a secondary color but i add more red to it, what am i gonna get? john: tertiary? cinnamon: tertiary.john: i was guessing, so. [john laughs]cinnamon: yeah. that's all they're talking about. it seems initially like a complicated term, but it's really not. so i'm adding more yellow to it. this is the tertiary of orange. and then we're gonna go back after doing this and we're gonna look at our color wheel again and see if it doesn't feel super simple.
cinnamon: right. now i've got my cool yellow right here. and my warm warmer blue. john: that's kind of the difference between like the tropical greens and the camouflage greens? cinnamon: yeah, this is where we're. so see, we've got that kinda nice bright green right there? john: we're dioxazine purple fall on here? cinnamon: i would have to do that trick that i talked about doing that other time about saying,
for the purposes of us, you put your dioxazine right there. cinnamon: for the purposes of us, if you're just working your own handmade wheel.john: yeah. where would it go? cinnamon: it'd go right here.john: oh. at the very bottom. slide that forward so people can see you pointing at it. they can't see you pointing. so it goes where? cinnamon: it would go right here.john: ok. now we can see. cinnamon: yeah. right there.john: perfect. cinnamon: cause if you can't buy a color wheel, then can just sort of make that and it's just a nice thing that you can do. i'm gonna make a tertiary here. i'm gonna add more yellow.
to my mid green, and look i got that nice- doesn't that feel like easter right there? cinnamon: there's your easter, right there. and then.john: more like sherbet. cinnamon: yeah. and then if i want it to be i think i'm gonna need a litte more. and again, color is turtles all the way down.john: yeah. cinnamon: and john can kind of explain what that means. it just keeps getting as complicated as you need it to be. or as simple as you need it to be. so once you've done it yourself, and you're like, oh ok, this is sort of what's happening on my color wheel.
john: mm-hmm.cinnamon: making fish. making happy whatever. your color wheels don't need to be perfect. you just need to be introducing yourself to the ideas that you've got there. right. so now when i go to true blue right.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: which is in general, um... when you're generally getting it that's generally gonna be a cerulean. right here. but we don't paint with cerulean, so it doesn't really help you guys.
i would say here you'd be looking at, um... in this range is where you're looking at phthalo and ultramarine. and then over here is where you're looking at cad light, cad yellow. so, alright, let's go here. so we're blue. john: ok.cinnamon: right. and if we mixed our blue and our yellow, we get green, and here are the two tertiaries between them, and suddenly that makes sense. so, if you took green. and added a little more blue to it, you'd get green-blue.
right. but if you took the green here, you'd get blue-green.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: in other words what they're saying, all they're saying to you is you have a blue. with a slightly green shade. or you have a green with a slightly blue shade. john: ok. that makes sense. cinnamon: this green is blue-ish. cinnamon: so, that's all they're trying to tell you.john: yeah. cinnamon: so if you're- i know, it gets crazy. so you've got your blue, and you mix your red and
theoretically, you're gonna get this violet. john: right. cinnamon: right. that's what theoretically is gonna happen to you. where the true color thing? pure color. pure color. so you get your violet. so there's your shades again. it's how much blue has been mixed into the violet, or how much violet has been mixed into the blue. those are the tertiaries. same with the reds. if we're down here towards the violets, these are all cool, aren't they?
but as they move up here, this purple suddenly is warm. cinnamon: this purple's cool. it's got more blue in it. this purple's warm. it has more red in it. what does that mean to you as a painter? cool colors look like they're farther away. i'm trying to paint mountains. i need to cool my colors down. i need to push them back. john: interesting.cinnamon: which tertiary do i need to be working to? a warmer tertiary? or a cooler tertiary? cooler. pushing it back.
if i need it to feel like it's coming forward i'm gonna warm it up. if i'm trying to paint a sunset that feels like it's on fire, and i'm using all cool tertiaries, it's not gonna give me that feeling. it's gonna feel like a cool evening. not a hot sunset. john: ok. so, now i have a community question.cinnamon: i would happily answer a community question. john: this come from angela.cinnamon: hi angela. john: it has to do with grays. so, she want to know the difference between cool gray, leans to the green side of gray, warm gray leans to the red, and what is french gray?
[both chuckle]all those are in her supplies. she's like, i have colored gray. cinnamon: that's gonna be for the trick where i show you how to tell if a color is cool or warm. if you don't know. cause some people have this information just in their head. locked down for entire runs of color. i ran into people this weekend that new this for every color manufactured back in history. john: oh yeah. that's like, passionate, passionate people.
cinnamon: see, that's expert, check. that's master knowledge, check. if you're just sitting there going, "you know, historically," and they have like, twenty five facts that you've never heard of from mummy brown, beside the fact that it was made from mummies, cinnamon: expert. also generally the grooviest people in the room. don't know why. just generally true. john: pigment hunters. cinnamon: so that's the turtles all the way down.john: yep. cinnamon: um, so when we're going into that, i'm going to show you some tricks. right. other resource.
artists network. dot com. has a blog. a lot of stuff is covered, because there are some turtle all the way down people there. see, if you need to know something urgently, that's the way to go. and we're gonna do that trick in the quests. but generally cool and warm grays is just about is it towards the cool color or is it- is it moving down the color wheel or is it moving up the color wheel? cinnamon: right. that's all we're talking about down or up the color wheel. complements. all they're saying is, if violet is here, yellow is here. these are complements.
mix them together cinnamon: you're going to get a grayed out purple. so when i need, when i have a very vibrant thing and i need it grayed out what would i do? i would mix it's complement in. so if, say, i'm painting... i'm trying to paint uh, this, for my mountain color.
cinnamon: but it's too vibrant. it's not grayed out enough to feel far away, i could look at my wheel and go, "you know, if i just tinted it a little bit of my cad, john: yep.cinnamon: which is closer to your orange yellow, it's gonna gray it out perfectly. mountain. if you're stuck, that's how you get unstuck. that's the nice part about the wheel, is about it's being logical. and then you can get into color schemes, like triadic color schemes, and what they're saying is if this is here, and this is here, and this is here, then these are triads of each other.
obviously the primaries are triadic colors. cinnamon: right. but once you get into secondaries and tertiaries, there's triadics within the triadics. turtles all the way down. john: and we haven't even gotten into luminosity versus reflectance. reflectance versus translucence. cinnamon: no!! it's just bananas! i just want you guys to go, oh. color wheel. what's it for? it's for me. it's for me! right? all it means, if i'm trying to paint mountains they need to be cooler because cooler colors go farther back into the picture.
and they need to be grayed out because they wouldn't be as saturated to my eye john: mm-hmm.cinnamon: how would i do that? i'd find, if i was stuck, i'd find it's space on the wheel and add a little compliment to it. cinnamon: that's all it is. and that's big question people get. i'm painting this landscape and i'm really stumped. how do i know what to paint first? right. this actually helps you cause you're looking and you're breaking it down. once you know how the structure of a painting is constructed. when we cover how a painting is constructed,
and then you have your color wheel. those are the key skills that are gonna help you start painting from your photographs. john: yeah.cinnamon: right. so that's what we're building. goal at the end of the year is you guys feeling like you could paint from some trip photographs. so, if you can't make, if you can't, you know, print out a color wheel. they're out there, they're free. wiki has them. cinnamon: if you like this. if you're excited about this, um...
i think i really like mind of watercolor. taught by a guy named steve. um, for his color theory, like the best. i'm digging it. he does some cool stuff. and they're in snippets. it's not an hour like this. it's in snippets.john: yeah. cinnamon: so now that you have the concept, you could go over to mind of watercolor, yes that does apply to us acrylic artists, and just watch his color series.john: mm-hmm.
cinnamon: and then you can just skip all the rest of color quest. cause you'll be like, i got it. got it, got it, got it. [chuckles] but if you're like, no no, i want to be here. we're gonna cover all of it. ok. questions? john: real quick. what is a- what are the triads, again? can you explain that? cinnamon: so it is, if you go to green, right.john: yeah. cinnamon: these are- do you see how it does this right here? it gives you this little, these little things right here?john: yeah. cinnamon: these are three colors equally spaced from each other on the wheel.
example: red. yellow. blue. but in this case, right.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: let's say you're here at blue-green, what's the triads for blue-green? yellow-orange. and red-violet, are the triads. so if i'm trying to do a painting if i work these three together, ooh, so pretty! like i'm working on an abstract and i want a nice color-john: oooh, yeah! that makes sense. cinnamon: color scheme in there, i can use triadics
as a great way to get a beautiful color scheme. john: yeah, that makes a lot of sense.cinnamon: yeah. that's why i like the cheaty! [laughs]john: yeah. ok. cinnamon: it's just nice to have. i mean, and it gets crazy. you could do split complementaries. right. and you know, it's complement. it's just crazy. turtles all the way down. that's why i keep saying we could have done turtles all the way around the wheel. cause it's turtles all the way down.
you can do leaves. you can do whatever. all i'm trying to get you to do is just visually look at what colors are warmer. what colors are cooler. if why aren't the colors mixing? why wouldn't cad yellow, right, why wouldn't cad yellow mix with ultramarine? but if ultramarine is um, cad yellow is more towards the red, ultramarine is more towards the violet, and it's you just look at this little chart and then you can go and be like oh! they're in a place, they're almost complements on a color wheel, so they're graying out. cinnamon: they're undertones are complements on the color wheel so they're graying out.
john: that makes sense. cinnamon: if you didn't know that ultramarine had a violet undertone then it would make no sense why yellow, it's complement, would be graying it out. cinnamon: but if you new that ultramarine had a wildly violet undertone then you'd be like, this is why this is going all gray. and then you could use it on purpose. cause then you're pushing foliage back into the depth- like if you're trying to paint
dusty, far away foliage, then it's a useful color combo.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: cause it's grayed out. but now you know, well if i've got phthalo blue green shade, and i've got cad yellow, they're probably gonna make me as you know if you paint with me, some beautiful greens, some vibrant greens. this range of greens. right there. john: gotcha. so, sort of this- so the knowledge of the color wheel in itself is kinda academic.
but once we apply it to the use of like that, the paint swatches you did,cinnamon: mm-hmm. john: that- then all of a sudden it's like, oh! these two tools together, they start making a lot of sense. cinnamon: they start making a lot of sense, and when you're stuck, they can get you out of a lot of trouble. john: so, it might be worth- i mean like i'm even thinking i should go back and rewatch that other video so that i can better- i mean cause i don't paint, but i mean like it makes better understanding now, a lot of what we were talking about then. cinnamon: and i think if you just understand the basic things we're talking about. like if you're feeling confident now, now you could watch somebody's video on more complicated color theory, and you'd be like, got it!
oh my gosh!john: yeah. cinnamon: there's so many oh my gosh moments ahead of you. that's all i'm saying. did i say hi to lindsay?john: you did. cinnamon: [laughs] ok. john: she was in here hanging out. there's a bunch of people hanging out. cinnamon: i'm just having a crazy day. she's checking to make sure our chats are working cause like for some reason our chats were disabled. i don't know if y'all noticed that for a little bit, we were like, cinnamon: taking snapshots and sending it to our youtube specialist. i actually know my youtube
specialists name. i won't say his name, but i know it.[both chuckle] cause i write him a lot. and it's always the same guy that answers me back. so i think we get an official person that gets stuck dealing with us. cinnamon: unless maybe we're a problem.[john chuckles] cinnamon: i don't know, i don't actually know how any of that works. so, luckily we all snap shotted last night and it was all, you're chatting today. i was gonna send you all to periscope. cinnamon: if it wasn't working out john: well, they're- lindsay was saying that her chat was not working.
but our chat luckily, by the graces of all the you know, intertubians-cinnamon: hers is still not working? john: hers- she was just saying in chat that "my chat is still not working." she was exclamation mark, exclamation mark.cinnamon: oh my goodness. alright. so, tomorrow i think lindsay has a live.john: mm-hmm. i think so. cinnamon: yeah, at- at 12:30 eastern john: oh no. for the event scheduled tomorrow is not showing up there yet. cinnamon: the chat isn't?john: yeah. the chat isn't showing up for her scheduled event tomorrow.
cinnamon: ok. well if you're going to lindsay's event tomorrow, which you should! at 12:30. eastern. she's gonna correct me in the comments if i'm wrong! [both laugh] john: and we'll be i-carding-cinnamon: i think it's this really bananas beautiful church that she painted in watercolor. using! get your color wheel out and see if you can tell lindsay's color choices! [laughs] cause they're really good. i love the piece she did. so, she's doing it tomorrow. for any reason, that, um,john: yes, 12:30. cinnamon: 12:30.john: eastern.
you guys could, i don't know, meet on... i don't know. she's gonna come up with something for chat. cinnamon: we'll do something.john: i'm sure that that the googlites will fix it by then. cinnamon: i'm sure they will.john: yeah. cinnamon: though that really freaks me out. i'm exclamation pointing too, girl. cinnamon: cause when i got up i was like, oh! they fixed it! good! [laughs] so, maybe it corrected on it's own and i'm just thinking my youtube fairy fixed it and didn't- this is not related to color wheel and people can be like thumb down, [chuckles] thumb down. lady! john: barbara was asking about that, the color wheel.
and it's kind of weird how the- so this question was phrased interestingly. is the color wheel the basis for your underpaintings? cinnamon: it can be. john: but a good underpainting would use the color wheel. cinnamon: so, like say i wanted to do an acrylic colored ground. and i was very serious about my art. very serious. um... john: very serious.cinnamon: very serious. and actually i could do this if i wasn't serious. i could use my knowledge of the color wheel to create
an acrylic colored ground that either grayed my colors as i layered them up. john: uh-huh. cinnamon: or helped improved their saturation and their vibrancy. right. i could use it to- alright. one of my favorite examples of that is there's a bunch of artists. they do almost a quinacridone. i'm gonna say it's somewhere right in in this range. they do under their color.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: and then
they come over to and it's almost on the split complement. they come over here and do the the painting over it. and pops of that red show through, and it's insane. john: yeah.cinnamon: that's kind of what's happening, is they're using the more complicated formulas of this. to get those incredible things. um, and understanding that. so a good colorists understand this on another level, and so they will go outside, and they will paint, and they will paint very fast
and you'll see them and you'll notice things like they don't use black. cinnamon: they'll do shadows with purples and blues. they'll do all these amazing other things that will keep the painting so vibrant. um... there's an artist, dreama paris? parish? dreama patty? dreama parish tolle parish?
john: [laughs] don't ask me. i don't know. cinnamon: i'm so bad at artists names. dreama tolle parish. daily painter. search dreama tolle parish. {*note- last name is perry} d r e a m a. d r e- just search her art. john: we'll put a link out there for her. cinnamon: [sighs] she's not classically trained but she's a- she gets her color.
she definitely definitely works this and you're gonna see a quality to her paintings that seem unusual to you.john: yes. cinnamon: and you'll be like, wow! she's what we would call a colorist. she uses how warm and cool colors play against each other, how triadics and split complementaries works, to create lush, dream like bits of yumminess. it's the only way to describe her work. dream like bits of yumminess. john: mm-hmm.cinnamon: a lot of us like angela moulton.
she's the little lady that does the quick birds, if you've been on pinterest, these are those things that make that come together. and again, you gotta go see lindsay and see what cool color combo's, cause i saw some oranges, yellows and purples. she did some of it today.john: mm-hmm. cinnamon: i saw it. if you catch the blog, you'd know.john: color mixing? cinnamon: some cool color mixing. mixings. and then saturday we can use some of this here.[both chuckle] mostly we're just painting the rainbow cause it's fun and you know.
cause rainbows are fun. as clearly my hatjohn: yes. cinnamon: states. is this helpful? is there anything, cause i want to make sure i get everyone's questions on the basics answered. we will come back to this. we will come back to color just like we come back to design fundamentals, and we come back to certain things. i- in traditional class what it is, is you'll be in a design segment and you'll be in it until you think you're gonna pull your skin off your face. john: hmm... cinnamon: it gets to be a little much, cause i feel like as artists we organically like to jump around a little bit. we like to get an idea, digest it. or at least i know i do.
and then come back to it from a fresh perspective, which is why i'm kind of letting this wave along. actually it's- there is a plan. wave along. [john chuckles]cinnamon: i-card. vote on what you want to do next. john: yes! cinnamon: also, let me know if the voting i-card works. [laughs] john: and sign up on our website.cinnamon: sign up on our website and there will be more stuff. like we'll talk about the philosophy, when i think about, you know, like more philosophically.john: mm-hmm.
cinnamon: about, you know, things like there are no good and bad colors. it's just how they relate to each other on the wheel. you can apply that to everything in life. if you somebody that's being particularly sad in front of you, you can go, there's no good or bad colors, it's just he's in a place on the color wheel i can't deal with today. john: i just can't go there on the color wheel with you. cinnamon: i can't. we're- we're not good harmonies. oh! that was the last term. i can't believe i almost forgot that. harmony! right. analogous colors. these are colors that are next to each other on the wheel.
cinnamon: this is my- i'm gonna cover this again, cause i'm doing this at the end and this is something i'm gonna cover again and again and again. painting with kids. so, kids organically want to mix everything that they have on their palette, right. you've painted with them.john: yeah. cinnamon: so, and maybe you did too. this might apply to you too. if you only put out colors that are harmonies on the wheel, cinnamon: then what's gonna happen is that the colors that they mix
analogies, harmonies. from three to five adjacent hues. that's right. so, if you were to, say one two three four five. and only put those out,john: see. flip it upside down on the other side. see it's got the, cinnamon: right here?john: see it has the five cut-outs on it? cinnamon: here?john: yeah. see how it has all the cut-outs? cinnamon: oh yeah. there it is. thank you. john: there you go. cinnamon: alright. so if i only put these colors out
for, say, a kid, or a class i was painting with.john: yeah. cinnamon: and white. and a little black. every painting they had would be successful. you'd never see the grayed out paintings. cinnamon: and this is a way to sort of trick kids. [chuckles] into getting out all the mixing out they need to do. all the experimenting out that they need to do, but still get something that's very successful for them, on the wall. cinnamon: people are all like, your kids are all so talented! well, mama puts out complements.
mama doesn't put out complements. we put out we put out analogous colors on the thing, and then we just change it up. on occasion, i will put out things where they can get the grays, where they get the gray colors, just so they can see that result. but when you're painting with them, if you do that it's one of my mama tricks for just being like, oh, it's just all coming out so good. john: yay! cinnamon: little white, little black, then they learn about tinting and shading and it's very successful. also for you if you're only working in these, you're not gonna get any bad colors.
cinnamon: and your painting will feel so calm and harmonious. and you know it's- cinnamon: i'll cover that again. and again. and again as we cover color. john: and i guess for working in abstract color wheel, again a very powerful tool. cinnamon: most powerful tool. john: knowing how to play with colors.cinnamon: but not gospel. john: sure.cinnamon: but most powerful tool. cinnamon: i feel like that was helpful.john: i think so. [cinnamon chuckles]
cinnamon: just trying to be helpful. john: i think so. cinnamon: i so appreciate your time and energy. i look forward to seeing your color wheels. but remember, they don't have to be perfect little things. you can do fish, you can do stuff and and just remember if you're getting these grayed out mixes, then it's about where they are on the color wheel. it's not you. it's not that you can't mix color. if you're just sitting there going, everyone else can mix purple but me, really, seriously?
right. it's probably just that you had ultramarine blue and cad red. john: yeah.cinnamon: or phthalo blue and cad red. cad red and everything. if you want to get purple with any of your blues, you need to have a crimson. your red needs to be a cool red. that's all it is. then you know, my red is warm. my blue is warm. one of those- somebody's warm! john: these words of colors are swimming in my head. i can't even make sense cinnamon: is it too much?john: no, i just...
i mean, it all makes sense, although i don't know that i could re- articulate it to anyone else. i mean, i totally get it. like, you know, what colors make things turn gray, how to look at them on the wheel, what tertiaries are, what complements are, where harmonies are. i get- i can see how using them, i don't think i could explain it very well, though. cinnamon: yeah. and you could make all those notes on your wheel. you can note up your wheel. you can put it in your book. anything that you feel is really important for you or is a breakthrough for you, put it definitely into your book. yeah. and post pictures up. we loved all the pictures. we saw some pictures of blendy in there. that was fun.
cinnamon: the rule of thirds and other myths, you guys rocked out! john: i love that.cinnamon: your doodles. john: yeah. we had a whole wack of doodles to put up there. a wack of doodles! cinnamon: i don't know what i'm doing. john: you're being silly. cinnamon: i wanna be silly. john: yep.cinnamon: i'm going by the po box john: yes!cinnamon: and then we're gonna have our viewer mail, so.
john: we're recording-cinnamon: hart mail. coming up. john: we have some more videos we're gonna do right after this. cinnamon: yeah. i actually have a whole bunch of stuff to do today cause i have to share with you my favorites from the art materials show. john: you might see this hat again in a moment. cinnamon: yeah, but like later in the week. so weird.john: but we're not gonna let you see it see it until later. cinnamon: crazy us.john: right. cinnamon: you guys be good. i'm gonna see you at the next quest. vote on what it's gonna be. cinnamon: i'll look at it in a couple days and decide, so if three of you vote, you get to decide for
everybody, so go to town. unless there's nothing there, then just do it and just let me know that the vote didn't work. john: uh-oh. we'll have sherpa. we love you guys. we're gonna see you guys what? soon? how soon are we gonna see them? cinnamon: probably tomorrow.john: yeah. probably tomorrow. cinnamon: for a heart mail.
alright. bye bye guys! [closing music]
Coloring Books For Adults At Hobby Lobby