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Minggu, 14 Mei 2017

Coloring Pages For Animals In The Jungle

Coloring Pages For Animals In The Jungle

please click and subscribe. hi, kids!welcome to the classroom. let's learn how to writethe letter a. a as in alligator. first let's learnuppercase or big a. to write uppercase awe'll start at the top. then we'll go down like this. then go back to the top. and go down again the other way.

lastly, we'll go to the middleand go straight across. good job! let's do that again. we'll start at the topand then go down. go back to the topand then go down the other way. then we'll go to the middleand go straight across. good job! now you try. now let's do lowercase a. for lowercase a

we'll start in the middleand go around in a circle, then we'll go down. let's do that again. we'll start in the middleand go around in a circle. then we draw a line down. now you try! now you know how to writethe letter a. we'll see you on our next video when we learn how to writethe letter b.

hi kids. welcome to the classroom. let's learn how to writethe letter b. b as a bumblebee. first we'll startwith uppercase or big b. to write uppercase bwe'll start at the top, then go down to the bottom, then we go back to the top anddo a curved line to the middle, then we do another curved lineto the bottom.

good job. go to the topand draw a line down. then go back to the top and doa curved line to the middle. then do a curved lineto the bottom. great work. now let's do lowercaseor little b. to do little b we will startat the top, then go all the way downto the bottom. then we will start in the middle

and do a curved lineto the bottom. start at the top and goall the way down. then go to the middle and doa curved line to the bottom. good work. now you know how to writethe letter b. we'll see on our next video when we'll learn how to writethe letter c. hi kids!welcome to the classroom. let's learn how to writethe letter c.

c as in caterpillar. first we'll startwith big or uppercase c. to write uppercase c we'll startat the top in the corner and then do a curved line all the way around to the bottomin the corner. let's do that again! we'll start at the top in the cornerand then do a curved line all the way down to the bottomin the corner. now let's do lowercaseor little c.

for lowercase c we'll startat the middle and do a curved lineall the way to the bottom. we'll start at the middle great work! now you know how to writethe letter c. we'll see you on the next movie when we learnhow to write the letter d. hi, kids!welcome to our classroom. let's learn how to writethe letter d.

d as in dolphin. first we'll startwith uppercase or big d. to write uppercase dwe'll start at the top and draw a straight lineall the way down to the bottom. then we'll go back to the top we'll start at the top and do a straight lineall the way down to the bottom. then go back to the top and do a curved lineall the way down to the bottom.

great job! now let's move onto lowercase or little d. to write lowercase dwe'll start at the top then we'll go to the middle and do a curved linedown to the bottom. now you know how to writethe letter d. we'll see you on the next video when we learnhow to write the letter e. hi kids.welcome to our classroom.

let's learn how to writethe letter e. e as in elephant. first we'll startwith uppercase or big e. to write uppercase ewe'll start at the top and do a straight lineout to the side. and then we'll go to the bottom and draw a straight lineout to the side. we'll go to the middle and doa straight line out to the side. good work!

now let's do lowercase e. to write lowercase ewe'll start near the bottom and do a straight line. then we'll do a curved lineall the way around. let's try that again! we'll start near the bottomand draw a straight line. now you know how to writethe letter e. we'll see you on our next video. when we'll learnhow to write the letter f.

let's learn how to writethe letter f. f as in flamingo. first we'll start with uppercaseor big f. to write uppercase fwe'll start at the top and do a straight lineto the side. let's try that again. we will go to the top and do a straight lineto the side, now let's learn how to writelowercase f.

to do lowercase fwe will start in the corner and do a curved lineall the way to the top. then we'll follow itall the way down in a straight lineto the bottom. and draw a little linestraight across. we will start at the topin the corner and do a curved line. then we'll follow it downin a straight line to the bottom. and do a little linestraight across.

awesome work! now you knowhow to write the letter f. we will see you on our next video when we'll learnhow to write the letter g. let's learn how to writethe letter g. g as in goldfish. to start we'll do uppercaseor big g. to write uppercase g we'll start at the topin the corner

and do a curved lineall the way around. and to a straight lineto connect. and do a straight lineto connect. now let's move to lowercaseor little g. to write little gwe will start in the middle then we'll doa straight line down and curve it at the bottom. we will start in the middleand do a curved line. then we'll will doa straight line down

now you know how to writethe letter g. we'll see you next time when we learn how to writethe letter h. let's learn how to writethe letter h. h as in hummingbird. we will startwith uppercase or big h. to write uppercase hwe will start at the top and do a straight line down. and do another straight linedown.

then we'll go to the middleand connect the two lines. we will start at the topand do a straight line down. then go back to the topand do another straight line down. now let's move onto lowercase or little h. to write lowercase hwill start at the top then we'll go to the middleand do a curved line down. we'll start at the topand do a straight line down. now you know how to writethe letter h. when we'll learn how to writethe letter i.

let's learn how to writethe letter i. i as in iguana. let's start with uppercaseor big i. to write uppercase iwe'll start at the top then go back to the topand do a line across. then we'll go to the bottomand do a line across. now let's move onto lowercase i. to write lowercase iwe will start in the middle then we'll go to the topand do a dot.

we will start in the middleand do a straight line down. then we will go to the topand do a little dot. now you know how to writethe letter i. when we'll learn how to writethe letter j. hi kids.welcome to the classroom. let's learn how to writethe letter j. j as in jaguar. we will start with uppercaseor big j. to write uppercase jwe will start at the top

and do a line downthen curve at the bottom. then we'll go back to the topand do a line across. we will start at the topand do a line down. then curve at the bottom. now let's write lowercase j. to write lowercase jwe'll start at the middle and draw a line downthen curve it at the bottom. then go to the middleand do a little dot. we'll start at the middleand do a line down.

the curve around at the bottom. then go back to the middleand do a little dot. now you know how to writethe letter j. we'll see you next time when we learnhow to write the letter k. let's learn how to writethe letter k. k as in kangaroo. we'll start with uppercaseor big k. to write k we'll start at the topand do a straight line down. then we'll go to the middleand do a diagonal line up.

then go back to the middleand do a diagonal line down. then we'll go to the middleand do a diagonal line to the top. then go back to the middleand do a diagonal line to the bottom. now let's move onto lowercase k. to write lowercase k we'll draw a straight line downfrom the top. then we will goa little bit below the middle and do a diagonal line up. then go backand do a diagonal line down.

then we will goa little below the middle now you know how to writethe letter k. when we learn how to writethe letter l. let's learn how to writethe letter l. l as in lion. we'll start with uppercaseor big l. to write uppercase lwe'll start at the top then we'll do a line out. now let's move onto lowercase or little l.

to write lowercase lwe'll start at the top now you know how to writethe letter l. when we learn how to writethe letter m. hi, kids.welcome to the classroom. let's learn how to writethe letter m. m as in monkey. we'll start with uppercaseor big m. to write uppercase mwe'll start at the top then go back to the topand do a diagonal line down.

then do a diagonal line upand a straight line down. now let's move to lowercaseor little m. to write lowercase mwe'll start in the middle then go back to the middleand do a curved line and down. then go up and doanother curved line and down. we'll start in the middleand do a straight line down. now you know how to writethe letter m. when we learn how to writethe letter n. let's learn how to writethe letter n.

n as in nightingale. we'll start with uppercaseor big n. to write uppercase nwe'll start at the top then do a straight line up. now let's move on to lowercaseor little n. to write lowercase nwe'll start in the middle then go back upand do a curved line and down. now you know how to writethe letter n. when we learn how to writethe letter o.

let's learn how to writethe letter o. o as in octopus. we'll start with uppercaseor big o. to write uppercase o we'll startat the top and do a full circle. we'll start at the topand do a full circle around. now let's moveto lowercase or little o. to write little owe'll start in the middle and do a little circle. we'll start in the middleand do a circle all the way around.

now you know how to writethe letter o. when we learn how to writethe letter p. let's learn how to writethe letter p. p as in parrot. we'll start with uppercaseor big p. to write uppercase pwe'll start at the top then go back to the topand do a curved line around. now let's move onto lowercase or little p. to write little pwe'll start in the middle

then go back to the middleand do a curved line around. now you know how to writethe letter p. when we learn how to writethe letter q. let's learn how to writethe letter q. q as in quail. we'll start with uppercaseor big q. to write uppercase qwe'll start at the top and do a big circleall the way around. then we'll go to the middleand do a diagonal line out.

we'll start at the top and thendo a circle all the way around. then go to the middleand do a diagonal line out. now let's do lowercaseor little q. to do lowercase qwe'll start in the middle and do a circle around. and give it a curved tailat the end. we'll start in the middleand do a little circle. and give it a curved tail out. now you know how to writethe letter q.

when we learn how to writethe letter r. let's learn how to writethe letter r. r as in rabbit. we'll start with uppercaseor big r. to write uppercase rwe'll start at the top then we'll doa diagonal line down. now let's move on to lowercaseor little r. to write lowercase rwe'll start in the middle then we'll go back upand do a curved line around.

then go back upand do a curved line around. now you know how to writethe letter r. when we learn how to writethe letter s. let's learn how to writethe letter s. s as in snake. we'll start with uppercaseor big s. to write uppercase swe'll start in the top corner and do a big curved line around. then we'll do a big curved linethe other way.

we'll start in the top cornerand do a big curved line around. then we'll do a big curvethe other way. now let's move on to lowercaseor little s. to write lowercase swe'll start in the middle and we'll doa little curved line around. then we'll follow itand do a curve the other way. we'll start in the middle and we'll doa little curved line around. then we'll curve the other way. now you know how to writethe letter s.

when we learn how to writethe letter t. let's learn how to writethe letter t. t as in tiger. we'll start with uppercaseor big t. to write uppercase twe'll start at the top then we'll go back upand do a line across the top. now let's move onto lowercase ot little t. to write little twe'll start at the top then we'll go to the middleand do a line across the center.

now you know how to writethe letter t. when we learn how to writethe letter u. let's learn how to writethe letter u. u as in unicorn. we'll start with uppercaseor big u. to write uppercase uwe'll start at the top and do a line down. then we'll curve and go back up. we'll start at the topand go down.

then we'll curve aroundand go back up now let's move on to lowercaseor little u. to write lowercase uwe'll start in the middle and go down. then we'll curve aroundand go up. then we'll doa straight line down. we'll start in the middleand go down. now you know how to writethe letter u. when we learn how to writethe letter v.

let's learn how to writethe letter v. v as in vulture. we'll start with uppercaseor big v. to write uppercase vwe'll start at the top and do a diagonal line down. then we'll do a diagonal lineback up. we'll start at the topand do a diagonal line down. now let's move on to lowercaseor little v. to write lowercase vwe'll start in the middle

we'll start in the middleand do a diagonal line down. now you know how to writethe letter v. when we learn how to writethe letter w. let's learn how to writethe letter w. w as in walrus. we will start with uppercaseor big w. to write uppercase wwe will start at the top then we'll do a diagonal line up, another diagonal line down,

and a diagonal line up. we will start at the topand do a diagonal line down. and then a diagonal line up. now let's move on to lowercaseor little w. to write lowercase wwe'll start in the middle and to a diagonal line down. a diagonal line down, and another diagonal line up. we'll start in the middleand to a diagonal line down.

now you know how to writethe letter w. when we learn how to writethe letter x. let's learn how to writethe letter x. x as in xenops. we'll start with uppercaseor big x. to write uppercase xwe'll start at the top and do a diagonal linethe other way. then we'll go back up now let's move onto lowercase or little x.

to write lowercase xwe'll start in the middle then go up and do a diagonal linethe other way. now you know how to writethe letter x. when we learn how to writethe letter y. let's learn how to writethe letter y. y as in yak. we'll start with uppercaseor big y to write uppercase ywe'll start at the top go back to the top

now let's move on to lowercaseor little y. to write lowercase ywe'll start in the middle then we'll go back upto the middle and do a diagonal linethe other way. now you know how to writethe letter y. we'll see youon our next video when we learn how to writethe letter z. let's learn how to writethe letter z. z as in zebra.

we'll start with uppercaseor big z. to write uppercase zwe'll start at the top and do a straight line across, then we'll do a diagonal lineall the way down and another straight lineacross the bottom. we'll start at the topand do a straight line across, then we'll doa long diagonal line down and then do a straight lineacross the bottom. now let's move onto lowercase or little z.

to write lowercase z,we'll start in the middle and do a straight lineacross the top then we'll doa diagonal line down and a straight linealong the bottom. we'll start in the middle and doa straight line across the top and a straight lineacross the bottom. now you know how to writethe letter z. congratulations! now you know how to writethe whole alphabet.

we'll see you next time!

Coloring Pages For Animals In The Jungle